DR 98137
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Lifts, escalators and moving walks Part 1: General requirements
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Proposes uniform requirements for use within Australia and New Zealand for lifts, escalators and moving walks. Is not intended to apply to temporary lifts and hoists, used solely for erecting, demolishing, altering or repairing buildings, or structures in which persons do not travel, temporary lifts used for carrying persons, or persons and materials in buildings and construction work, orchestral lifts and stage lifts, stacking machines, forklift trucks and similar portable appliances, conveyors used for the handling of materials and goods, such as swing tray elevators, bucket conveyors and similar appliances, skip-hoists, amusement devices, loading ramps, bridge lifting-span lifts, railway car lifts, amusement, loading ramps, bridge lifting-span lifts, railway car lifts or ropeways carrying passengers cabs or chairs. Proposed as a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard.
CommentClosesDate |
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Standards Australia
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SupersededBy |
Revision of AS 1735.1-1986 and NZS 4332P:1994. To be AS/NZS 1735.1
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