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DD ISO/TS 19104:2008



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Geographic information. Terminology

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Superseded by

BS ISO 19104:2016



Published date


1 Scope
2 Conformance
3 Normative references
4 Terms and definitions
5 Abbreviated terms
6 Criteria for the selection of concepts
7 Structure of the terminological record
  7.1 Record content
  7.2 Mandatory data fields
  7.3 Term equivalents
Annex A (normative) - Maintenance of the Terminology
      A.1 Introduction
      A.2 Terminology Repository
      A.3 Terminology status review process
Annex B (normative) - Terms and Definitions from
        ISO/TC 211 International Standards and
        Technical Specifications
Annex C (normative) - Principles for definition writing
      C.1 Basic principles
      C.2 Developing definitions
Alphabetical index

Applies to international communication in the field of geographic information.

British Standards Institution

Standards Relationship
ISO/TS 19104:2008 Identical

ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information Web map server interface
ISO 10241:1992 International terminology standards Preparation and layout
ISO 3534:1977 Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols
ISO 6523:1984 Data interchange — Structures for the identification of organizations
ISO 1087-1:2000 Terminology work Vocabulary Part 1: Theory and application
ISO/IEC 8211:1994 Information technology Specification for a data descriptive file for information interchange
ISO 19114:2003 Geographic information Quality evaluation procedures
ISO/IEC 11179-3:2013 Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes
ISO 19132:2007 Geographic information Location-based services Reference model
ISO 19125-1:2004 Geographic information — Simple feature access — Part 1: Common architecture
ISO 19134:2007 Geographic information Location-based services Multimodal routing and navigation
ISO 2859:1974 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
ISO 19117:2012 Geographic information — Portrayal
ISO/TS 19101-2:2008 Geographic information Reference model Part 2: Imagery
ISO 19119:2016 Geographic information — Services
ISO 19136:2007 Geographic information Geography Markup Language (GML)
ISO 19109:2015 Geographic information Rules for application schema
ISO 5127:2017 Information and documentation — Foundation and vocabulary
ISO 22028-1:2016 Photography and graphic technology Extended colour encodings for digital image storage, manipulation and interchange Part 1: Architecture and requirements
ISO 19108:2002 Geographic information Temporal schema
ISO 860:2007 Terminology work Harmonization of concepts and terms
ISO 19118:2011 Geographic information — Encoding
ISO/TS 19139:2007 Geographic information Metadata XML schema implementation
ISO 19125-2:2004 Geographic information Simple feature access Part 2: SQL option
ISO/TS 19138:2006 Geographic information Data quality measures
ISO 19111:2007 Geographic information Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 19110:2016 Geographic information Methodology for feature cataloguing
ISO/IEC 19501:2005 Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2
ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information Metadata
ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times
ISO 14825:2011 Intelligent transport systems Geographic Data Files (GDF) GDF5.0
ISO 639-2:1998 Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code
ISO 19116:2004 Geographic information Positioning services
ISO 19101:2002 Geographic information Reference model
ISO 19135:2005 Geographic information — Procedures for item registration
ISO 19106:2004 Geographic information — Profiles
ISO 19133:2005 Geographic information Location-based services Tracking and navigation
ISO 3166-1:2013 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1: Country codes
ISO/IEC 10746-2:2009 Information technology Open distributed processing Reference model: Foundations Part 2:
ISO/IEC TR 21000-1:2004 Information technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) — Part 1: Vision, Technologies and Strategy
ISO 19141:2008 Geographic information — Schema for moving features
ISO 19107:2003 Geographic information Spatial schema
ISO 704:2009 Terminology work — Principles and methods
ISO 19112:2003 Geographic information Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers
ISO 19105:2000 Geographic information — Conformance and testing
ISO/TS 19103:2005 Geographic information Conceptual schema language
ISO 19131:2007 Geographic information — Data product specifications
ISO 19113:2002 Geographic information Quality principles
ISO 19123:2005 Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions

Including GST where applicable

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