DD CEN ISO/TS 24534-4:2008
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Automatic vehicle and equipment identification. Electronic registration identification (ERI) for vehicles Secure communications using asymmetrical techniques
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Abbreviations
5 System communications concept
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Overview
5.3 Security services
5.4 Communication architecture description
5.5 Interfaces
6 Interface requirements
6.1 Overview
6.2 Abstract transaction definitions
6.3 The ERT interfaces
Annex A (normative) - ASN.1 Modules
Annex B (informative) - Operational scenarios
Annex C (normative) - PICS pro forma
Gives the requirements for an Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) that is based on an identifier assigned to a vehicle (e.g. for recognition by national authorities) suitable to be used for: - electronic identification of local and foreign vehicles by national authorities, - vehicle manufacturing, in-life-maintenance and end-of-life identification (vehicle life cycle management), - adaptation of vehicle data, e.g. in case of international re-sales, - safety-related purposes, - crime reduction, - commercial services.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
CEN ISO/TS 24534-4:2008 | Identical |
ISO/TS 24534-4:2008 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 9798-3:1998 | Information technology Security techniques Entity authentication Part 3: Mechanisms using digital signature techniques |
ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994 | Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model |
ISO/IEC 8825-2:2015 | Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) Part 2: |
ISO/IEC 10646:2014 | Information technology Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) |
ISO/IEC 11770-2:2008 | Information technology Security techniques Key management Part 2: Mechanisms using symmetric techniques |
ISO 14816:2005 | Road transport and traffic telematics — Automatic vehicle and equipment identification — Numbering and data structure |
ISO 7498-2:1989 | Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model Part 2: Security Architecture |
ISO 15628:2013 | Intelligent transport systems — Dedicated short range communication (DSRC) — DSRC application layer |
ISO/IEC 10118-1:2016 | Information technology Security techniques Hash-functions Part 1: General |
ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 | Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 3: Cards with contacts — Electrical interface and transmission protocols |
ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Security frameworks for open systems: Authentication framework |
EN 12834:2003 | Road transport and traffic telematics - Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) - DSRC application layer |
ISO 14814:2006 | Road transport and traffic telematics — Automatic vehicle and equipment identification — Reference architecture and terminology |
ISO/IEC 11770-1:2010 | Information technology Security techniques Key management Part 1: Framework |
ISO/IEC 11770-3:2015 | Information technology Security techniques Key management Part 3: Mechanisms using asymmetric techniques |
ISO/IEC 9798-1:2010 | Information technology Security techniques Entity authentication Part 1: General |
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