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CEN/TS 16945:2016



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View Superseded by

Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for metabolomics in urine, venous blood serum and plasma

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Superseded by

EN ISO 23118:2021

Published date


European foreword
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General Considerations
5 Urine
6 Blood
Annex A (informative) - Long-term stability of
        urine and serum [1]H NMR metabolic profiles

This Technical Specification covers the preanalytical phase and recommends the handling, documentation and processing of urine, venous blood plasma and serum intended for metabolomics analysis. This Technical Specification is applicable to metabolomics examinations and is of importance to biomedical laboratories, customers of laboratories, in vitro diagnostics developers and manufacturers, institutions and companies performing biomedical research, biobanks, and regulatory authorities.The adoption of the described procedures for the preanalytical phase make it possible to compare and evaluate the results obtained from metabolic profiling analysis.

CEN/TC 140
Technical Specification
Comite Europeen de Normalisation

ISO/TS 80004-6:2013 Nanotechnologies Vocabulary Part 6: Nano-object characterization
ISO 15189:2012 Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality and competence
ISO 15190:2003 Medical laboratories Requirements for safety
ISO Guide 30:2015 Reference materials — Selected terms and definitions

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