BS ISO 362-3:2016
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Measurement of noise emitted by accelerating road vehicles. Engineering method Indoor testing M and N categories
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
5 Acceleration for vehicles of categories M1 and M2
having a maximum authorized mass not exceeding
3500 kg, and of category N1
6 Instrumentation
7 Test room requirements
8 Dynamometer requirements
9 Test procedures
10 Test methods and test report
Annex A (normative) - Validation of method
Annex B (normative) - Procedure for measurement,
evaluation, and calculation of tyre/road noise when
using variant A
Annex C (informative) - Procedure for measurement,
evaluation, and calculation of tyre/road noise
when using variant B
Annex D (informative) - Measurement uncertainty - Framework
for analysis according to ISO/IEC Guide 98-3
Annex E (informative) - Room length deviation from
Defines an engineering method for measuring the noise emitted by road vehicles of categories M and N by using a semi anechoic chamber.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 14/30270415 DC. (07/2016)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
This part of ISO362 specifies an engineering method for measuring the noise emitted by road vehicles of categories M and N by using a semi anechoic chamber. The specifications are intended to achieve an acoustical correlation between testing the exterior noise of road vehicles in a semi anechoic chamber and outdoor testing as described in ISO362‑1 . This part of ISO362 provides all necessary specifications and procedures for indoor testing to obtain results which are comparable to typical run-to-run variations of measurements in today’s type approval tests. This part of ISO362 provides a method designed to meet the requirements of simplicity as far as they are consistent with the reproducibility of results under the operating conditions of the vehicle. NOTE1 The results obtained by this method give an objective measure of the noise emitted under the specified conditions of test. It is necessary to consider the fact that the subjective appraisal of the noise annoyance of different classes of motor vehicles is not simply related to the indications of a sound measuring system. As annoyance is strongly related to personal human perception, physiological human conditions, culture, and environmental conditions, there is a large variation and annoyance is therefore not useful as a parameter to describe a specific vehicle condition. NOTE2 If measurements are carried out in rooms which do not fulfill the requirements stated in this part of ISO362 , the results obtained can deviate from the results using the specified conditions.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 362-3:2016 | Identical |
ISO 10844:2014 | Acoustics Specification of test tracks for measuring noise emitted by road vehicles and their tyres |
IEC 60942:2003 | Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators |
ISO 1176:1990 | Road vehicles — Masses — Vocabulary and codes |
ISO 26101:2017 | Acoustics Test methods for the qualification of free-field environments |
ISO 13325:2003 | Tyres Coast-by methods for measurement of tyre-to-road sound emission |
ISO 362-1:2015 | Measurement of noise emitted by accelerating road vehicles — Engineering method — Part 1: M and N categories |
ISO 80000-3:2006 | Quantities and units Part 3: Space and time |
ISO 5725:1986 | Precision of test methods Determination of repeatability and reproducibility for a standard test method by inter-laboratory tests |
ISO 6344-1:1998 | Coated abrasives Grain size analysis Part 1: Grain size distribution test |
ISO 1585:1992 | Road vehicles Engine test code Net power |
IEC 61672-3:2013 | Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 3: Periodic tests |
ISO 3745:2012 | Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms |
ISO 2416:1992 | Passenger cars — Mass distribution |
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 | Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) |
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