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BS EN ISO 18365:2013



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Hydrometry. Selection, establishment and operation of a gauging station

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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
4 General requirements and considerations
5 Water level (Stage) only gauging stations
6 Stage-discharge gauging stations
7 Stage- discharge gauging stations using
   hydraulic structures
8 Velocity-discharge gauging stations
9 Measurement under difficult conditions
10 Operation and maintenance
Annex A (informative) - Applicable conditions for
        selection of discharge measurement method

Provides requirements for the establishment and operation of a gauging station for the measurement of stage, or stage and discharge, of a lake, reservoir, river or canal or other artificial open channel.

Supersedes BS 3680-3B(1997) & BS ISO/TR 8363. (12/2013)
British Standards Institution

This International Standard gives requirements for the establishment and operation of a gauging station for the measurement of stage, or stage and discharge, of a lake, reservoir, river or canal or other artificial open channel. It also describes how a gauging station utilizing one of the measurement methods listed should be operated and maintained.

Requirements are provided for stage only measurement stations, stage–discharge stations and direct-discharge measurement stations in natural channels, as well as for stage–discharge stations with artificial structures. Additionally, some requirements are given for measurements under difficult conditions, such as under ice conditions.

Standards Relationship
ISO 18365:2013 Identical
EN ISO 18365:2013 Identical

BS 17898:2014 Code of practice for the management of observed hydrometric data

ISO 13550:2002 Hydrometric determinations — Flow measurements in open channels using structures — Use of vertical underflow gates
ISO 8368:1999 Hydrometric determinations Flow measurements in open channels using structures Guidelines for selection of structure
ISO 748:2007 Hydrometry Measurement of liquid flow in open channels using current-meters or floats
ISO 6416:2017 Hydrometry — Measurement of discharge by the ultrasonic transit time (time of flight) method
ISO 1100-2:2010 Hydrometry Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Part 2: Determination of the stage-discharge relationship
ISO 4373:2008 Hydrometry Water level measuring devices
ISO 8333:1985 Liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes — V-shaped broad-crested weirs
ISO/TS 15768:2000 Measurement of liquid velocity in open channels — Design, selection and use of electromagnetic current meters
ISO 4371:1984 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels by weirs and flumes End depth method for estimation of flow in non-rectangular channels with a free overfall (approximate method)
ISO 9555-1:1994 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Tracer dilution methods for the measurement of steady flow — Part 1: General
ISO 9826:1992 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Parshall and SANIIRI flumes
ISO/TR 11656:1993 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Mixing length of a tracer
ISO 9555-3:1992 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Tracer dilution methods for the measurement of steady flow Part 3: Chemical tracers
ISO 15769:2010 Hydrometry Guidelines for the application of acoustic velocity meters using the Doppler and echo correlation methods
ISO 4359:2013 Flow measurement structures — Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes
ISO 14139:2000 Hydrometric determinations Flow measurements in open channels using structures Compound gauging structures
ISO 9213:2004 Measurement of total discharge in open channels Electromagnetic method using a full-channel-width coil
ISO 3847:1977 Liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes — End-depth method for estimation of flow in rectangular channels with a free overfall
ISO 3846:2008 Hydrometry Open channel flow measurement using rectangular broad-crested weirs
ISO 4375:2014 Hydrometry Cableway systems for stream gauging
ISO 4377:2012 Hydrometric determinations — Flow measurement in open channels using structures — Flat-V weirs
ISO/TR 11332:1998 Hydrometric determinations Unstable channels and ephemeral streams
ISO 9555-4:1992 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Tracer dilution methods for the measurement of steady flow Part 4: Fluorescent tracers
ISO 9827:1994 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels by weirs and flumes — Streamlined triangular profile weirs
ISO 2425:2010 Hydrometry Measurement of liquid flow in open channels under tidal conditions
ISO 4374:1990 Liquid flow measurement in open channels Round-nose horizontal broad-crested weirs
ISO 4362:1999 Hydrometric determinations — Flow measurement in open channels using structures — Trapezoidal broad-crested weirs
ISO 772:1996 Hydrometric determinations — Vocabulary and symbols
ISO/TR 24578:2012 Hydrometry Acoustic Doppler profiler Method and application for measurement of flow in open channels
ISO 4360:2008 Hydrometry Open channel flow measurement using triangular profile weirs
ISO 1438:2017 Hydrometry — Open channel flow measurement using thin-plate weirs

Including GST where applicable

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