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BS EN 61915-1:2008



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Device profiles for networked industrial devices General rules for the development of device profiles

Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
  3.1 Terms and definitions
  3.2 Abbreviations and symbols
4 Device profiles
  4.1 General
  4.2 Root device profile
  4.3 Manufacturer's device profile
       4.3.1 General
       4.3.2 Manufacturer's device profile created
              using a root device profile
       4.3.3 Manufacturer's device profile created
              without using a root device profile
  4.4 Profile relationships
5 Creating a root device profile using the device profile
  5.1 General
  5.2 Root device profile header
       5.2.1 General
       5.2.2 Root device profile ID
       5.2.3 Root device profile version
       5.2.4 Root device profile release date
       5.2.5 Device description
  5.3 Parameters (root device profile)
       5.3.1 General
       5.3.2 Parameter name (mandatory)
       5.3.3 Data type (mandatory)
       5.3.4 Units (mandatory)
       5.3.5 Offset and multiplier (mandatory)
       5.3.6 Range (mandatory)
       5.3.7 Access (mandatory)
       5.3.8 Required (mandatory)
       5.3.9 Parameter description (optional)
       5.3.10 Recommended parameters for device identification
  5.4 Complex data types (root device profile)
       5.4.1 General
       5.4.2 Array data type
       5.4.3 Structured data type
       5.4.4 Enumerated data type
  5.5 Parameter assemblies (root device profile)
       5.5.1 General
       5.5.2 Parameter assembly name (mandatory)
       5.5.3 Access (mandatory)
       5.5.4 Required (mandatory)
       5.5.5 Parameter assembly data (mandatory)
  5.6 Parameter groups (root device profile)
       5.6.1 General
       5.6.2 Group name (mandatory)
       5.6.3 Group type (mandatory)
       5.6.4 Number of members (mandatory)
       5.6.5 Required (mandatory)
       5.6.6 Description (optional)
       5.6.7 Additional information (optional)
       5.6.8 Member names (mandatory)
  5.7 Functional elements (root device profile)
       5.7.1 General
       5.7.2 Functional structure diagram (optional)
       5.7.3 Functional element list (optional)
  5.8 State model (root device profile)
       5.8.1 General
       5.8.2 State model name
       5.8.3 State chart diagrams
       5.8.4 State transition tables
  5.9 Services (root device profile)
       5.9.1 General
       5.9.2 Service name (mandatory)
       5.9.3 Request parameter group (optional)
       5.9.4 Response parameter group (optional)
       5.9.5 Required (mandatory)
       5.9.6 Description (optional)
       5.9.7 Additional information (optional)
6 Creating a manufacturer's device profile using a
  root device profile
  6.1 General
  6.2 Manufacturer's device profile header
       6.2.1 General
       6.2.2 Manufacturer's device profile ID (mandatory)
       6.2.3 Manufacturer's device profile description
       6.2.4 Manufacturer's device profile version
       6.2.5 Manufacturer's device profile release date
       6.2.6 Manufacturer ID (mandatory)
       6.2.7 Model compatibility (optional)
       6.2.8 Software compatibility (optional)
       6.2.9 Hardware compatibility (optional)
       6.2.10 Profile type (mandatory)
       6.2.11 Profile availability (mandatory)
       6.2.12 Additional information (optional)
  6.3 Implementation of root device profile parameters
  6.4 Parameters (manufacturer-specific)
  6.5 Implementation of root device profile complex data
  6.6 Complex data types (manufacturer-specific)
  6.7 Implementation of root device profile parameter
  6.8 Parameter assemblies (manufacturer-specific)
  6.9 Implementation of root device profile parameter groups
  6.10 Parameter groups (manufacturer-specific)
  6.11 Implementation of root device profile functional
  6.12 Functional elements (manufacturer-specific)
  6.13 State model (manufacturer-specific)
  6.14 Implementation of root device profile services
  6.15 Services (manufacturer-specific)
7 Creating a manufacturer's device profile without using
  a root device profile
  7.1 General
  7.2 Manufacturer's device profile header
       7.2.1 General
       7.2.2 Manufacturer's device profile ID (mandatory)
       7.2.3 Manufacturer's device profile description
       7.2.4 Manufacturer's device profile version (mandatory)
       7.2.5 Manufacturer's device profile release date
       7.2.6 Manufacturer ID (mandatory)
       7.2.7 Model compatibility (optional)
       7.2.8 Software compatibility (optional)
       7.2.9 Hardware compatibility (optional)
       7.2.10 Profile type (optional)
       7.2.11 Profile availability (optional)
       7.2.12 Additional information (optional)
  7.3 Root device profile header
       7.3.1 Root device profile ID
       7.3.2 Root device profile version
       7.3.3 Root device profile release date
       7.3.4 Device description (optional)
  7.4 Parameters (root device profile)
  7.5 Parameters (manufacturer-specific)
  7.6 Complex data types (root device profile)
  7.7 Complex data types (manufacturer-specific)
  7.8 Parameter assemblies (root device profile)
  7.9 Parameter assemblies (manufacturer-specific)
  7.10 Parameter groups (root device profile)
  7.11 Parameter groups (manufacturer-specific)
  7.12 Functional elements (root device profile)
  7.13 Functional elements (manufacturer-specific)
  7.14 State model (root device profile)
  7.15 State model (manufacturer-specific)
  7.16 Services (root device profile)
  7.17 Services (manufacturer-specific)
Annex A (normative) - Device profile template
Annex B (informative) - Device profile examples
Annex C (informative) - Profile creation guidelines
Annex D (informative) - Profile exchange language
Annex E (informative) - Categories of parameters
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references to
         international publications with their
         corresponding European publications

Specifies a framework for common representation of networked industrial devices and provides a template for documenting such a representation, independent of the network used.

Supersedes 05/30143902 DC. (03/2008)
British Standards Institution

The IEC 61915 series is intended to improve interoperability of devices, network tools and application software. This part of IEC 61915 defines a framework for common representation of networked industrial devices and provides a template for documenting such a representation, independent of the network used. This framework follows the principles given in IEC/TR 62390, the \'Common automation device - Profile guideline\', and refers to ISO 15745, \'Industrial automation systems and integration - Open systems application integration framework\'. This first edition cancels and replaces the IEC/TS 61915 technical specification published in 2003. It now has the status of an International Standard.

Standards Relationship
NF EN 61915-1 : 2008 Identical
I.S. EN 61915-1:2008 Identical
DIN EN 61915-1:2008-09 Identical
IEC 61915-1:2007 Identical
EN 61915-1:2008 Identical
EN 50397-2:2009 Identical

ISO/IEC 10646:2014 Information technology Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
IEC 61131-3:2013 Programmable controllers - Part 3: Programming languages
IEC TR 62390:2005 Common automation device - Profile guideline
ISO/IEC 4873:1991 Information technology ISO 8-bit code for information interchange Structure and rules for implementation
IEC 60559:1989 Binary floating-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems
ISO 15745-1:2003 Industrial automation systems and integration Open systems application integration framework Part 1: Generic reference description
EN 61131-3:2013 Programmable controllers - Part 3: Programming languages
ISO/IEC 19501:2005 Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2
ISO 8879:1986 Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

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