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BS EN 60953-2:1996



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Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests Wide range of accuracy for various types and sizes of turbines

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BS EN IEC 60953-0:2022



Published date


1 Scope and object
    1.1 Scope
    1.2 Object
    1.3 Matters to be considered in the contract
2 Units, symbols, terms and definitions
    2.1 General
    2.2 Symbols, units
    2.3 Subscripts, superscripts and definitions
    2.4 Definition of guarantee values and test results
3 Guiding principles
    3.1 Advance planning for test
    3.2 Preparatory agreements and arrangements
    3.3 Planning of the test
    3.4 Preparation of the tests
    3.5 Comparison measurements
    3.6 Settings for tests
    3.7 Preliminary tests
    3.8 Acceptance tests
    3.9 Repetition of acceptance tests
4 Measuring techniques and measuring instruments
    4.1 General
    4.2 Measurement of power
    4.3 Flow measurements
    4.4 Pressure measurement (excluding condensing
          turbine exhaust pressure)
    4.5 Condensing turbine exhaust pressure measurement
    4.6 Temperature measurement
    4.7 Steam quality measurement
    4.8 Time measurement
    4.9 Speed measurement
5 Evaluation of tests
    5.1 Preparation of evaluation
    5.2 Computation of results
6 Correction of test results and comparison with guarantee
    6.1 Guarantee values and guarantee conditions
    6.2 Correction of initial steam flow capacity
    6.3 Correction of maximum output
    6.4 Correction of thermal and thermodynamic efficiency
    6.5 Definition and application of correction values
    6.6 Correction methods
    6.7 Variables to be considered in the correction
    6.8 Guarantee comparison
    6.9 Deterioration of turbine performance
7 Measuring uncertainty
    7.1 General
    7.2 Determination of measuring uncertainty of steam
          and water properties
    7.3 Calculation of measuring uncertainty of output
    7.4 Determination of measuring uncertainty of mass
    7.5 Calculation of measuring uncertainty of results
A Feedwater heater leakage and condenser leakage tests
B Throat tap nozzle
C Evaluation of multiple measurements, compatibility
D Mass flow balances
E Typical generalized correction curves for correction
    of tests results according to guarantee conditions
F Short statistical definition of measuring uncertainty
    and error propagation in acceptance tests
G Calculation of measuring uncertainty of output -
    Electrical measurement
ZA (normative) Normative references to international
    publications with their corresponding European

Applies to thermal acceptance tests covering a wide range of accuracy on steam turbines of every type, rating and application, including measurements and procedures necessary for determination of specific enthalpy within moisture region. Describes precautions needed to permit testing while respecting radiological safety rules in nuclear plants.

Supersedes BS 752(1974) and BS 5968(1980) (07/2004) Also numbered as IEC 60953-2. (12/2005)
British Standards Institution

Standards Relationship
EN 60953-2:1995 Identical
NBN EN 60953-2 : 1996 Identical
SN EN 60953-2 : 1995 Identical
I.S. EN 60953-2:1999 Identical
NF EN 60953-2 : 2003 Identical

BS 8450:2006 Code of practice for installation of electrical and electronic equipment in ships

BS 5775-3:1993 Specification for quantities, units and symbols Mechanics
IEC 60041:1991 Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
ISO 5167:1980 Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full
IEC 60034-2:1972 Rotating electrical machines. Part 2: Methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
BS 4999-102:1987 General requirements for rotating electrical machines Methods for determining losses and efficiency from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
BS EN 60041:1995 Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines

Including GST where applicable

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