BS EN 50341-2-20:2015
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Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45 kV National Normative Aspects (NNA) for ESTONIA (based on EN 50341-1:2012)
Hardcopy , PDF
0 Introduction
1 Scope
2 Normative references, definitions and symbols
3 Basis of design
4 Actions on lines
5 Electrical requirements
6 Earthing systems
7 Supports
8 Foundations
9 Conductors and earth-wires
10 Insulators
11 Hardware
12 Quality assurance, checks and taking-over
Annex B (informative) - Conversion of wind
velocities and ice loads
Annex C (informative) - Application examples of wind
loads - Special forces
Annex E (normative) - Theoretical method for calculating
minimum air clearances
Annex F (informative) - Empirical method for calculating
mid span clearances
Annex G (normative) - Calculation methods for earthing
Annex H (informative) - Installation and measurements of
earthing systems
Annex M (informative) - Geotechnical and structural design of
Pertains all new overhead electric lines with nominal system voltages exceeding AC 1 kV and with rated frequencies below 100 Hz.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes BS EN 50423-3 and BS EN 50341-3 which remains current. (05/2015)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
1.1 General (NCPT) EE.1 Application to new lines This Part2-20 applies to all new overhead electric lines with nominal system voltages exceeding AC 1kV and with rated frequencies below 100Hz. This standard also applies to D.C. overhead lines in structural aspects. (NCPT) EE.2 “New overhead line” A “new overhead line” means a completely new line between two points, A and B. A new branch line of the existing power line should be considered as a new power line including the junction support, for which specific requirements should be defined in the Project Specification. 1.2 Field of application (A-dev) EE.1 Application to mounting of telecommunication equipment The Standard EVS‑EN50341:2012 is applicable to fixing of structural elements for telecommunication (antennas, satellite dishes, All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) equipment, etc.), if mounted on power line supports (towers), especially regarding wind forces and ice loads on such fixed elements. The design and installation should be done under the due control of the line owner and/or the competent authority. Mounting of telecommunication equipment on power line supports must be coordinated with line owner and stated in the Project Specification. If telecommunication equipment (antennas, dishes, etc.) will be installed in the transmission line supports, and their size, location or mounting will have major effects on the loads or design of the structures, the requirements of EVS‑EN1993‑3 will also have to be taken into account. If such structures include conductive parts, the requirements on clearances in Section5.8 should be applied. (NCPT) EE.2 Application to existing overhead lines The Standard EVS‑EN50341:2012 shall not be applied to maintenance, reconductoring, tee-offs, extensions or diversions to existing overhead lines in Estonia, unless specifically required in the Project Specification. In cases of major revisions of existing lines the degree of application of the Standard EVS‑EN50341:2012 should be agreed upon by the parties concerned and specified in the Project Specification. (NCPT) EE.3 Application to installations under construction or design Installations in the design and construction stage may be completed by using the standard valid at the beginning of planning unless otherwise agreed with the line owner and/or any other competent authority. It must also be determined in the Project Specification which previous National Standard and to what extent should be applied to the project in question.
Standards | Relationship |
EN 50341-2-20:2015 | Identical |
EN 14229:2010 | Structural timber - Wood poles for overhead lines |
EN 60071-2:1997 | Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guide |
EN 50522:2010 | Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. |
EN 61773:1996 | Overhead lines - Testing of foundations for structures |
EN 61284:1997 | Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for fittings |
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