BS 5534:2014+A2:2018
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Slating and tiling for pitched roofs and vertical cladding. Code of practice
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British Standards Institution
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This British Standard gives recommendations primarily intended for the design, performance and installation of new build pitched roofs, including vertical cladding, and for normal re-roofing work, including repairs, using slates, tiles, shingles and shakes and their associated components. This British Standard does not cover the structural design of the roof. The recommendations contained in this British Standard might not be appropriate for the re-slating or re-tiling of some old roofs, particularly where traditional and/or reclaimed materials are used. Users intending to adopt any of these recommendations for old roofs, and especially for historically or architecturally important buildings, are advised to consult with the local planning authority or an appropriate conservation organization to check their suitability. This British Standard is intended for use by designers, manufacturers and installers of roofing products. NOTE1 Recommendations for workmanship, repair and maintenance are given inBS8000‑0 and BS8000‑6. NOTE2 A Code of Practice for slating historic buildings is in preparation by Historic England 2. Historic England – www.historicengland.org.uk (last viewed 30 January 2018).
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