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BS 3680-3A:1980



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Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Velocity-area methods

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Superseded by

BS ISO 748:1997



Published date


National foreword
Cooperating organizations
1 Scope and field of application
2 References
3 Terminology
4 Units of measurement
5 Principle of the methods of measurement
6 Selection and demarcation of site
7 Measurement of cross-sectional area
8 Measurement of velocity
9 Computation of discharge
10 Uncertainties in flow measurement
A Methods of correcting for sag, pull, slope and
    temperature in measuring the width of cross-section
    by tape or wire
B Methods of measurement across the cross-section
C Correction for wetted length of wire when measuring
    depths with the wire not normal to the surface
D Correction for drift
E Uncertainty of a velocity area measurement
1 Air line correction
2 Wet-line correction
1 Computation of discharge from current-meter
    measurement - Depth-velocity integration method
2 Computation of discharge from current-meter
    measurement - Area-velocity integration method
3 Computation of discharge from float measurement
4 Computation of discharge and mean water-level for
    variations of water-level
5 Measurement of cross-section - Angular method
6 Measurement of cross-section - Projection from
    opposite bank
7 Measurement of cross-section - Projection from one
8 Measurement of cross-section - Pivot-point method

Methods for determining the velocity and cross-sectional area of water flowing in open channels (with or without ice cover) and computing the discharge. It covers methods of employing current meters and floats to measure the velocities.

BS DRAFT 93/210839 DC
British Standards Institution

Standards Relationship
ISO 748:2007 Identical
UNE-EN 61754-8:1997 Identical

BS 3680-2A:1964 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Dilution methods Constant rate injection
BS 3680-3E:1986 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Measurement of discharge by the ultrasonic (acoustic) method
BS 3680-3J:1989 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Guide to the measurement of discharge using three verticals
BS 3680-4E:1980 Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Weirs and flumes Free overall weirs of finite crest width (rectangular broad-crested weirs)
BS 3680-6:1995 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Guide to measurement of flow in tidal channels
BS EN 60041:1995 Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
BS 599:1966 Methods of testing pumps
BS 3680-8A:1973 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Measuring instruments and equipment Current meters incorporating a rotating element
BS 3680-3B:1997 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Guide for the establishment and operation of a gauging station
BS 3680-4B:1986 Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Weirs and flumes Triangular profile weirs
BS 3680-4E:1990 Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Weirs and flumes Rectangular broad-crested weirs
BS 4485-2:1988 Water cooling towers Methods for performance testing
BS 3680-8A:1989 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Measuring instruments and equipment Current meters incorporating a rotating element
BS 3680-3E:1993 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Measurement of discharge by the ultrasonic (acoustic) method
BS 3680-10B:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Sediment transport Measurement of suspended sediment
BS 3680-7:1971 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels The measurement of liquid level (stage)
BS 3680-6:1973 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Measurement of flow in tidal channels
BS 6068-6.6:1991 Water quality. Sampling Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams
BS 3680-3F:1986 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Collection and processing of data for determination of errors in measurement
BS 3680-3D:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Moving-boat method
BS 3680-5:1970 Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Slope area method of estimation
BS 3680-8B:1983 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Measuring instruments and equipment Recommendations for direct depth sounding and suspension equipment
BS 5844:1980 Methods of measurement of fluid flow: estimation of uncertainty of a flow-rate measurement

ISO 5168:2005 Measurement of fluid flow — Procedures for the evaluation of uncertainties
ISO 4373:2008 Hydrometry Water level measuring devices
ISO 3454:2008 Hydrometry — Direct depth sounding and suspension equipment
ISO 4366:2007 Hydrometry — Echo sounders for water depth measurements
ISO 1088:2007 Hydrometry — Velocity-area methods using current-meters — Collection and processing of data for determination of uncertainties in flow measurement
ISO 1100:1973 Withdrawal of ISO 1100-1973
ISO 2537:2007 Hydrometry — Rotating-element current-meters
ISO 772:1996 Hydrometric determinations — Vocabulary and symbols
ISO 3455:2007 Hydrometry Calibration of current-meters in straight open tanks

Including GST where applicable

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