AS/NZS 61558.2.7:2001
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar Particular requirements for transformers for toys (IEC 61558-2-7:1997, MOD)
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Specifies general safety requiremetns for approval and test purposes for transformers for toys. This Standard is an adoption with national modifications and cotnains the full text of IEC 61558-2-7:1997.
Committee |
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0 7337 4422 2
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
Replacement:This part 2 of IEC 61558 AS/NZS 61558 applies to transformers for toys having a rated supply voltage not exceeding 250 V a.c., a rated frequency of 50/60 Hz, a rated output voltage not exceeding 24 V a.c. or 33 V ripple-free d.c. and a rated output not exceeding 200 VA and a rated output current not exceeding 10 A.This standard does not in general take into account playing with the transformer by children.
AS 3108 first published in Australia in part as AS C126-1939.
Second edition 1958.
AS C167 first published 1962.
Revised and redesignated AS 3167-1981 (withdrawn 1987).
AS C126-1958 revised and redesignated AS 3126-1981 (withdrawn 1989).
AS 3126-1981 and AS 3167-1981 were revised and redesignated AS 3108.1-1984, AS 3108.2-1984 and AS 3108.3-1984.
Revised, amalgamated and redesignated AS 3108-1990.
First published in New Zealand as NZS/AS 3108:1990.
Jointly revised and designated as Joint Standard AS/NZS 3108:1994.
Jointly revised and redesignated in part as AS/NZS 61558.2.7:2001.
AS 2865-2009 | Confined spaces |
AS/NZS 3197:2005 | Approval and test specification - Portable electrical control or conditioning devices |
AS/NZS 3000:2007 | Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) |
AS 2832.3-2005 | Cathodic protection of metals Fixed immersed structures (Reconfirmed 2016) |
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