AS/NZS 4509.2:2010
The latest, up-to-date edition.
Stand-alone power systems System design (Reconfirmed 2017)
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Provides requirements and guidance for the design of stand-alone power systems with energy storage at extra-low voltage and used for the supply of extra-low and/or low voltage electric power in a domestic situation.
Committee |
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978 0 7337 9725 5
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ProductNote |
Reconfirmed 20/01/2017.This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2017 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 20/01/2017
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
Supersedes |
This Standard sets out requirements and guidance for the design of stand-alone power systems with energy storage at extra-low voltage used for the supply of extra-low and low voltage electric power in a domestic situation. Equipment up to the system output terminals is covered.The principles in this Standard are equally applicable to other systems including commercial and industrial applications and should be considered in the design of those systems.Optimization of system design considering time of energy use is not covered by this Standard.NOTE: A bibliography containing references to additional material is in Appendix G.
Originated as AS 4509.2-2002.
Jointly revised and designated AS/NZS 4509.2:2010.
AS/NZS 1768:2007 | Lightning protection |
AS 4777.2-2005 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Inverter requirements |
AS 1170.4 SUPP 1-1993 | Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Earthquake loads - Commentary (Supplement to AS 1170.4-1993) |
AS/NZS 1170.2:2002 | Structural design actions Wind actions |
AS 4777.1-2005 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Installation requirements |
AS/NZS 5033:2005 | Installation of photovoltaic (PV) arrays |
AS/NZS 4509.1:2009 | Stand-alone power systems Safety and installation (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 4536:1999 | Life cycle costing - An application guide (Reconfirmed 2014) |
AS 1170.4-2007 | Structural design actions Earthquake actions in Australia (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 1044:1995 | Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical motor-operated and thermal appliances for household and similar purposes, electric tools and similar electric apparatus |
AS/NZS 3000:2007 | Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) |
AS 62310.1-2005 | Static transfer systems (STS) General and safety requirements (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3823.2:2009 | Performance of electrical appliances - Air conditioners and heat pumps Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) requirements |
AS 62310.2-2006 | Static transfer systems (STS) - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements |
AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 | Structural design actions Permanent, imposed and other actions |
AS 3595-1990 | Energy management programs - Guidelines for financial evaluation of a project |
AS 4086.1-1993 | Secondary batteries for use with stand-alone power systems General requirements (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS/NZS 3010:2005 | Electrical installations - Generating sets |
AS 4086.2-1997 | Secondary batteries for use with stand-alone power systems Installation and maintenance |
AS 1359.109-1998 | Rotating electrical machines - General requirements - Noise limits |
AS/NZS 3010:2017 | Electrical installations - Generating sets |
AS 5156-2010 | Electronic speed limit signs |
AS 4852.2:2019 | Variable message signs Portable signs |
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