AS/NZS 4024.1803:2014
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Safety of machinery - Safety distances and safety gaps - Minimum gaps to prevent crushing of parts of the human body
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Adopts ISO13854:1996, the object of which is to enable the user (e.g. standard makers, designers of machinery) to avoid hazards from crushing zones. It specifies minimum gaps relative to parts of the human body and is applicable when adequate safety can be achieved by this method.
Committee |
DocumentType |
978 1 74342 744 6
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 13854:1996 | Identical |
Originated in Australia as part of AS 4024.1(Int)-1992.
Revised in part and redesignated as AS 4024.1801-2006 and AS 4024.1802-2006.
AS 4024.1801-2006 and AS 4024.1802-2006 jointly revised, amalgamated and redesignated as AS/NZS 4024.1801:2014.
AS/NZS 3785.8:2016 | Underground mining - Shaft equipment Conveyances for inclined shafts |
AS 4431:2019 | Safe working on new lift installations in new constructions |
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