AS/NZS 3500.4.2:1997
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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National Plumbing and Drainage Hot water supply systems - Acceptable solutions
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Specifies the requirements for the installation of domestic type water heaters using potable water. It includes aspects of the installation from, and including, the valves on the cold water inlet to any cistern or water heater and the downstream fixtures and fittings. The Standard applies to new installations as well as alterations, additions and repairs to existing installations.
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0 7337 1451 X
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See also AS 3500.4-1994. (In Rul PL/1)
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Standards Australia
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UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out the requirements for the installation of domestic-type water heaters using potable water. It includes aspects of the installation from, and including, the valve(s) on the cold water inlet to any cistern or water heater and the downstream fixtures and fittings. This Standard applies to new installations as well as alterations, additions and repairs to existing installations.This Standard applies to the installation of the following types of water heaters which comply with Clause 4.2.1 or Clause 5.3.1: (a) Electric storage water heaters with a rated delivery of up to 630 L per heater. (b) Other types of storage water heaters with a capacity of up to 700 L per heater. (c) Heat exchange water heaters in accordance with AS 1361.NOTE: The reference to AS 1361 is made to positively identify the particular type of heat exchange water heater to which this Standard applies.(d) Instantaneous water heaters. (e) Other authorized water heaters.Illustrations used in this Standard are diagrammatic only and have been chosen without prejudice.Construction of hot water supply installations in accordance with this Standard is deemed to satisfy the requirements of AS 3500.4.1 and Clause G12, Water Supplies of the New Zealand Building Code.
Originated in part as AS CA51-1968.
Previous edition AS 3500.4-1994.
Jointly revised an redesignated AS 3500.4.2:1997.
Reissued incorporating Amendment No. 1 (October 2002).
AS 1170.2-1989 | Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Wind loads |
AS/NZS 1477:1999 | PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications |
AS 2712-1993 | Solar water heaters - Design and construction |
AS 3142-1994 | Approval and test specification - Electric water heaters |
AS 3688-1994 | Water supply - Copper and copper alloy body compression and capillary fittings and threaded-end connectors |
AS 2984-1987 | Solar water heaters - Test for thermal performance - Outdoor test |
AS 1432-1996 | Copper tubes for plumbing, gasfitting and drainage applications |
AS 2492-1994 | Cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe for hot and cold water applications |
AS 1357.1-1992 | Water supply - Valves for use with unvented water heaters Protection valves |
AS 3498-1995 | Authorization requirements for plumbing products - Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks |
AS 1397-1993 | Steel sheet and strip - Hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated |
AS 1690-1975 | Rules for the safe design, construction and performance of domestic oil-fired appliances (known as the SAA Domestic Oil-fired Appliances Safe Design Code) |
AS 1691-1985 | Domestic oil-fired appliances - Installation |
AS 4234-1994 | Solar water heaters - Domestic and heat pump - Calculation of energy consumption |
AS 2129-1994 | Flanges for pipes, valves and fittings |
AS 1910-1994 | Water supply - Float control valves for use in hot and cold water |
AS/NZS 2280:1999 | Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings |
AS 3000-1986 | Electrical installations - Buildings, structures and premises (known as the SAA Wiring Rules) |
AS 1167.1-1993 | Welding and brazing - Filler metals Filler metal for brazing and braze welding |
AS 1722.1-1975 | Pipe threads of Whitworth form Sealing pipe threads (metric units) |
AS 1428 SUPP 1-1988 | Design for access and mobility - Extracts - Design rules for access by the disabled (Supplement to AS 1428-1977) |
AS 4032-1998 | Thermostatic mixing valves - Materials, design and performance requirements |
AS 1074-1989 | Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary service (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 2813-1985 | Solar water heaters - Method of test for thermal performance - Simulator method |
AS 1056.1-1991 | Storage water heaters General requirements |
AS 2239-1993 | Galvanic (sacrificial) anodes for cathodic protection |
AS/NZS 3500.1.2:1998 | National plumbing and drainage Water supply - Acceptable solutions |
AS 2878-1986 | Timber - Classification into strength groups |
AS 1345-1995 | Identification of the contents of pipes, conduits and ducts (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 4331.1:1995 | Metallic flanges Steel flanges (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 1604-1997 | Timber - Preservative-treated - Sawn and round |
AS 1167.2-1986 | Welding and brazing - Filler metals - Filler metal for welding |
AS 1566-1997 | Copper and copper alloys - Rolled flat products (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 1361-1995 | Electric heat-exchange water heaters - For domestic applications (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3500.0:1995 | National Plumbing and Drainage Code Glossary of terms |
AS/NZS 2642.2:1994 | Polybutylene pipe systems - Polybutylene (PB) pipe for hot and cold water applications |
AS 1449-1994 | Wrought alloy steels - Stainless and heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip |
AS/NZS 1260:1999 | PVC pipes and fittings for drain, waste and vent applications |
AS/NZS 4020:2002 | Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water |
HB 52-2000 | The Bathroom Book |
AS/NZS 3500.1.2:1998 | National plumbing and drainage Water supply - Acceptable solutions |
AS 4674-2004 | Design, construction and fit-out of food premises |
AS 3500.4.1-1997 | National Plumbing and Drainage Hot water supply systems - Performance requirements |
AS 2050-2002 | Installation of roof tiles |
AS 4809-2003 | Copper pipe and fittings - Installation and commissioning |
ATS 5200.037.2-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Flow controllers - For use in heated or cold water plumbing systems |
AS/NZS 3666.1:2002 | Air-handling and water systems of buildings - Microbial control Design, installation and commissioning |
AS/NZS 3718:2005 | Water supply - Tap ware (Reconfirmed 2016) |
HB 52-2000 | The Bathroom Book |
AS 1056.1-1991 | Storage water heaters General requirements |
AS/NZS 3718:2003 | Water supply - Tap ware |
AS 1357.2-1998 | Valves primarily for use in warm and hot water systems - Control valves |
AS/NZS 3500.5:2000 | Plumbing and Drainage Domestic installations |
AS 1428.1-2001 | Design for access and mobility General requirements for access - New building work |
AS/NZS 3869:1999 | Domestic solid fuel burning appliances - Design and construction |
AS/NZS 3666.2:2002 | Air-handling and water systems of buildings - Microbial control Operation and maintenance |
AS/NZS 2712:2002 | Solar and heat pump water heaters - Design and construction |
AS 3498-2003 | Authorization requirements for plumbing products - Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks |
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