AS/NZS 3000:2000
An Available Superseded Standard is one, which has been made available for a period of time although it has been formally superseded by another Standard. Its availability is maintained where it is referenced in legislation/regulations or in other Standards and its use should be restricted to where so referenced. No responsibility is taken by Intertek Inform as to the ongoing technical validity of such a Standard, the responsibility resting with the referencing authority.
Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
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This is a superseded edition of the Wiring Rules. You should only purchase it if you specifically want a copy of the AS/NZS 3000:2000 edition. (The three subsequent amendments are supplied with the book.)
New editions of the Wiring Rules were published in 2007 and 2018. To order AS/NZS 3000:2018, click here.
Provides requirements for the selection and installation of electrical equipment, design and testing of electrical installations, especially with regard to the essential requirements for safety of persons and livestock from physical injury, fire or electric shock. Many of the prescriptive work practices contained in previous editions of AS 3000 have been removed and This Standard incorporates internationally accepted practices.
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0 7337 2934 7
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Standards Australia
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UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out the minimum requirements for the design, construction and testing of electrical installations, including the selection and installation of electrical equipment forming part of such electrical installations.The requirements are intended to protect persons, livestock and property from electric shock, fire and physical injury hazards that may arise from an electrical installation that is used with reasonable care and with due regard to the intended purpose of the electrical installation.
First published as part of AS CC1-1931.
Revised 1934.
Revised and redesignated in part as AS CC1.1-1940.
Revised 1950.
Revised 1961.
Revised 1969.
Revised and redesignated in part as AS 3000.1-1976.
Revised and redesignated AS 3000-1981.
Revised 1986.
Revised 1991.
Jointly revised and designated as AS/NZS 3000:2000.
Reissued incorporating Amendments Nos 1-3 (July 2003).
AS 2430.1-1987 | Classification of hazardous areas - Explosive gas atmospheres |
AS 3158-1994 | Approval and test specification - Electric cables - Glass fibre insulated for working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV |
AS 2209-1994 | Timber - Poles for overhead lines |
AS 2067-1984 | Switchgear assemblies and ancillary equipment for alternating voltages above 1 kV |
AS/NZS 3131:1995 | Approval and test specification - Plugs and socket-outlets for use in installation wiring systems |
AS/NZS 3832:1998 | Electrical installations - Cold-cathode illumination systems |
AS/NZS 4898:1997 | Approval and test specification - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations |
AS 3102-1983 | Approval and test specification for electric duct heaters |
AS 2430.2-1986 | Classification of hazardous areas - Combustible dusts |
AS/NZS 3100:1997 | Approval and test specification - General requirements for electrical equipment |
AS 2381.10-1995 | Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Selection, installation and maintenance - Equipment in combustible dust (Class II) areas |
AS 3010.1-1987 | Electrical installations - Supply by generating set Internal combustion engine driven sets |
AS 3439.2-1994 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Particular requirements for busbar trunking systems (busways) |
AS 3001-1990 | Electrical installations - Movable premises (including caravans) and their site installations |
AS/NZS 3116:1996 | Approval and test specification - Electric cables - Elastomer insulated - For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV |
AS 1023.1-1985 | Low voltage switchgear and controlgear - Protection of electric motors Built-in thermal detectors and associated control units |
AS 2941-1995 | Fixed fire protection installations - Pumpset systems |
AS/NZS 3008.1.1:1998 | Electrical installations - Selection of cables - Cables for alternating voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV - Typical Australian installation conditions |
AS 3015-1993 | Electrical installations - Extra-low voltage d.c. power supplies within public telecommunications networks |
AS 3014-1991 | Electrical installations - Electric fences |
AS/NZS 3155:1995 | Approval and test specification - Electric cables - Neutral screened - For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV |
AS/NZS 3191:1996 | Approval and test specification - Electric flexible cords |
AS/NZS 1668.1:1998 | The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings Fire and smoke control in multi-compartment buildings |
AS 3190-1994 | Approval and test specification - Residual current devices (current-operated earth-leakage devices) |
AS 2381.1-1991 | Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Selection, installation and maintenance General requirements |
AS 3439.1-1993 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies |
AS 1026-1992 | Electric cables - Impregnated paper insulated - Working voltages up to and including 33 kV |
AS 2926-1987 | Standard voltages - Alternating (50 Hz) and direct |
AS 3147-1992 | Approval and test specification - Electric cables - Thermoplastic insulated - For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV |
AS 3600-1994 | Concrete structures |
AS 3002-1985 | Electrical installations - Shows and carnivals |
AS/NZS 3108:1994 | Approval and test specification - Particular requirements for isolating transformers and safety isolating transformers |
AS/NZS 3187:1995 | Approval and test specification - Mineral-insulated metal-sheathed cables |
AS/NZS 3080:1996 | Telecommunications installations - Integrated telecommunications cabling systems for commercial premises |
AS/NZS 3013:1995 | Electrical installations - Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring systems |
AS/NZS 3175.1:1994 | Approval and test specification - Residual current-operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB’s) General rules |
AS/NZS 2053.1:1995 | Conduits and fittings for electrical installations General requirements |
AS/NZS 3017:1996 | Electrical installations - Testing guidelines |
AS 3007.1-1987 | Electrical installations - Surface mines and associated processing plant - Scope and definitions |
AS/NZS 3129.1:1993 | Approval and test specification - Electric fence energizers Safety requirements for mains-operated electric fence energizers |
AS/NZS 3016:1994 | Electrical installations - Electric security fences |
AS 1319-1994 | Safety signs for the occupational environment (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 2419.1-1994 | Fire hydrant installations System design, installation and commissioning |
AS/NZS 3008.1.2:1998 | Electrical installations - Selection of cables - Cables for alternating voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV - Typical New Zealand installation conditions |
AS 1939-1990 | Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment (IP Code) |
AS 3947.2-1997 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Circuit-breakers |
AS 3859-1991 | Effects of current passing through the human body |
AS 4070-1992 | Recommended practices for protection of low-voltage electrical installations and equipment in MEN systems from transient overvoltages (Reconfirmed 2015) |
AS 3004-1993 | Electrical installations - Marinas and pleasure craft at low voltage |
AS/NZS 3012:1995 | Electrical installations - Construction and demolition sites |
AS/NZS 2648.1:1995 | Underground marking tape Non-detectable tape (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 3560-1991 | Electric cables - XLPE insulated - Aerial bundled - For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV |
AS/NZS 3198:1996 | Approval and test specification - Electric cables - XLPE insulated - For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV |
AS 1883-1992 | Guide to maintenance and supervision of insulating oils in service |
AS/NZS 4249:1994 | Electrical safety practices - Film, video and television sites |
AS 3111-1994 | Approval and test specification - Miniature overcurrent circuit-breakers |
AS 3011.1-1992 | Electrical installations - Secondary batteries installed in buildings - Vented cells Vented cells |
AS 3011.2-1992 | Electrical installations - Secondary batteries installed in buildings Sealed cells |
AS/NZS 3112:1993 | Approval and test specification - Plugs and socket-outlets |
AS 4388-1996 | A method of temperature-rise assessment by extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear |
AS 3178-1991 | Approval and test specification - Electric cables - Silicone rubber insulated - For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV |
AS/NZS 3123:1994 | Approval and test specification - Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for general industrial application |
AS/NZS 2053.2:1995 | Conduits and fittings for electrical installations Rigid plain conduits and fittings of insulating material |
AS/NZS 3820:1998 | Essential safety requirements for low voltage electrical equipment |
AS/NZS 3808:1998 | Insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables |
AS/ACIF S008-2006 | Requirements for customer cabling products |
AS 2550.4-2004 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use Tower cranes |
AS 3979-2006 | Hydrotherapy pools (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 3001:2001 | Electrical installations - Relocatable premises (including caravans and tents) and their site installations |
AS 4554-2005 | Gas laundry dryers (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3833:2007 | The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages and intermediate bulk containers |
AS 1418.19-2007 | Cranes, hoists and winches Telescopic handlers |
AS/NZS 3835.2:2006 | Earth potential rise - Protection of telecommunications network users, personnel and plant Application guide |
AS 2610.1-2007 | Spa pools Public spas (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3018:2001 | Electrical installations - Domestic installations |
AS 4563-2003 (AG 300) | Commercial catering gas equipment |
HB 52-2000 | The Bathroom Book |
AS/NZS 3015:2004 | Electrical installations - Extra-low voltage d.c. power supplies and service earthing within public telecommunications networks |
AS 1473.1-2000 | Woodprocessing machinery - Primary timber milling machinery |
AS 5100.5-2004 | Bridge design Concrete |
HB 29-2007 | Communications cabling manual - Module 2: Communications cabling handbook |
AS 2593-2004 | Boilers - Safety management and supervision systems (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3584.1:2005 | Diesel engine systems for underground coal mines Fire protected - Heavy duty |
AS 3892-2001 | Pressure equipment - Installation (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 2918:2001 | Domestic solid fuel burning appliances - Installation |
AS 5601-2004 | Gas installations |
AS 1882-2002 | Earth and bonding clamps (Reconfirmed 2020) (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS/NZS 3760:2001 | In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment |
AS/NZS 5000.1:2005 | Electric cables - Polymeric insulated For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 (1.2) kV (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 2243.9:2003 | Safety in laboratories - Recirculating fume cabinets |
AS/NZS 3113:2005 | Approval and test specification - Ceiling roses |
AS/NZS 2243.10:2004 | Safety in laboratories Storage of chemicals |
AS 1681-2002 | Safety requirements for electrically heated Type 1 ovens in which flammable volatiles occur (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS/NZS 1768:2007 | Lightning protection |
AS 2252.1-2002 | Biological safety cabinets - Biological safety cabinets (Class I) for personnel and environment protection |
AS 60269.1-2005 | Low-voltage fuses - General requirements |
AS/NZS 61558.2.6:2001 | Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar Particular requirements for safety isolating transformers for general use (IEC 61558-2-6:1997, MOD) |
AS 4563-2004 | Commercial catering gas equipment (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 3961-2005 | The storage and handling of liquefied natural gas |
AS 4806.2-2006 | Closed circuit television (CCTV) Application guidelines (Reconfirmed 2015) |
AS/NZS 3947.5.2:2000 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Control circuit devices and switching elements - Proximity switches |
AS 2832.1-2004 | Cathodic protection of metals Pipes and cables |
AS 61340.5.1(INT)-2001 | Electrostatics - Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena General requirements |
AS 4777.3-2002 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters - Grid protection requirements |
AS/NZS 61241.14:2005 | Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust Selection and installation (IEC 61241-14, Ed.1.0(2004) MOD) |
AS 1735.1-2001 | Lifts, escalators and moving walks - General requirements |
AS/NZS 4836:2001 | Safe working on low-voltage electrical installations |
AS/NZS 61535.1(INT):2001 | Installation couplers General requirements |
AS 2252.2-2004 | Biological safety cabinets - Laminar flow biological safety cabinets (Class II) for personnel, environment and product protection |
AS/NZS 5000.2:2006 | Electric cables - Polymeric insulated For working voltages up to and including 450/750 V (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 3814-2005 | Industrial and commercial gas-fired appliances |
AS/NZS 4761.1:2003 | Competencies for working with electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA) Competency Standards |
AS 1674.2-2007 | Safety in welding and allied processes Electrical (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 1735.18:2002 | Lifts, escalators, and moving walks Passenger lifts for private residence - Automatically controlled |
AS/NZS 3439.3:2002 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Particular requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies intended to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use - Distribution boards (IEC 60439-3:1990 MOD) |
AS 4032.1-2005 | Water supply - Valves for the control of heated water supply temperatures Thermostatic mixing valves - Materials design and performance requirements |
AS 2021-2000 | Acoustics - Aircraft noise intrusion - Building siting and construction |
AS 3533.4.3-2007 | Amusement rides and devices Specific requirements - Roller coasters |
AS/NZS 1546.3:2001 | On-site domestic wastewater treatment units Aerated wastewater treatment systems |
AS/NZS 3947.2:2002 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Circuit-breakers |
AS 1674.2-2003 | Safety in welding and allied processes - Electrical |
AS 5007-2007 | Powered doors for pedestrian access and egress (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 2243.8:2006 | Safety in laboratories - Fume cupboards |
AS/NZS 4853:2000 | Electrical hazards on metallic pipelines |
AS/NZS 2299.1:2007 | Occupational diving operations Standard operational practice |
AS/NZS 2081.1:2002 | Electrical equipment for coal and shale mines - Electrical protection devices - General requirements |
AS 2567-2002 | Laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety cabinets |
AS/NZS 3500.4:2003 | Plumbing and drainage Heated water services |
AS 1228-2006 | Pressure equipment - Boilers |
AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 | Plumbing and drainage Sanitary plumbing and drainage |
AS/NZS 1680.1:2006 | Interior and workplace lighting General principles and recommendations |
AS/NZS 5033:2005 | Installation of photovoltaic (PV) arrays |
AS/NZS 1125:2001 | Conductors in insulated electric cables and flexible cords (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 1418.1-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches General requirements |
AS 1940-2004 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS 4565-2004 | Radiant gas heaters for outdoor and non-residential indoor use (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 3003:2003 | Electrical installations - Patient treatment areas of hospitals and medical, dental practices and dialyzing locations |
AS/NZS 60598.2.22:2005 | Luminaires Particular requirements - Luminaires for emergency lighting (IEC 60598-2 22, Ed. 3.1(2002) MOD) |
AS 1418.10(INT)-2004 | Cranes, hoists and winches Elevating work platforms |
AS 3124-2002 | Approval and test specification for overhead line connector boxes (Reconfirmed 2020) (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS/NZS 3500.3:2003 | Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage |
AS 4554-2002 (AG 104) | Gas laundry dryers |
AS/NZS 61058.1:2002 | Switches for appliances General requirements (IEC 61058.1:2000 MOD) |
AS/NZS 2022:2003 | Anhydrous ammonia - Storage and handling (Reconfirmed 2023) |
AS 2610.2-2007 | Spa pools Private spas (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3002:2002 | Electrical installations - Shows and carnivals |
AS/NZS 2712:2007 | Solar and heat pump water heaters - Design and construction (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 4777.1-2005 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Installation requirements |
AS 62103-2006 | Electronic equipment for use in power installations |
AS/NZS 61535.1:2003 | Installation couplers General requirements |
AS/NZS 61009.1:2004 | Residual current operated circuit breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) General rules (IEC 61009-1, Ed. 2.1 (2003) MOD) |
AS 4774.1-2003 | Work in compressed air and hyperbaric facilities Work in tunnels, shafts and caissons |
AS 4991-2004 | Lifting devices |
AS 2201.2-2001 | Intruder alarm systems - Monitoring centres |
AS/NZS 2312:2002 | Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective coatings |
AS/NZS 2243.1:2005 | Safety in laboratories Planning and operational aspects |
AS 3814-2002 (AG 501) | Industrial and commercial gas-fired appliances |
AS/NZS 3136:2001 | Approval and test specification - Electrical equipment for spa and swimming pools |
AS 61800.3-2005 | Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems EMC requirements and specific test methods (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1473.2-2001 | Wood processing machinery - Safety Finishing machinery - Common requirements |
AS/NZS 60898.1:2004 | Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation (IEC 60898-1, Ed. 1.2 (2003) MOD) |
AS/NZS 3112:2000 | Approval and test specification - Plugs and socket-outlets |
AS/NZS 2865:2001 | Safe working in a confined space |
AS 2885.1-2007 | Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum Design and construction |
AS 2550.19-2007 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use Telescopic handlers |
AS 2550.5-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use - Mobile cranes |
AS 2550.20-2005 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use Self-erecting tower cranes |
AS 2550.3-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use Bridge, gantry, portal (including container cranes) and jib cranes |
AS 1735.2-2001 | Lifts, escalators and moving walks Passenger and goods lifts - Electric |
AS 1735.3-2001 | Lifts, escalators and moving walks Passenger and goods lifts - Electrohydraulic |
HB 52-2000 | The Bathroom Book |
AS/NZS 4681:2000 | The storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles |
AS/NZS 3010:2005 | Electrical installations - Generating sets |
AS/NZS 2381.1:2005 | Electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres - Selection, installation and maintenance General requirements |
AS/NZS 60269.1:2000 | Low-voltage fuses General requirements |
AS 4332-2004 | The storage and handling of gases in cylinders (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1755-2000 | Conveyors - Safety requirements |
AS 4290-2000 | Design and installation of Revolving doors |
AS/NZS 3117:2007 | Approval and test specification - Bayonet lampholders |
AS 60204.1-2005 | Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines General requirements (IEC 60204-1, Ed. 5 (FDIS) MOD) |
AS 4691.1-2003 | Laser-based speed detection devices Definitions and device requirements |
AS/NZS 3013:2005 | Electrical installations - Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring system elements (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 4509.2-2002 | Stand-alone power systems - System design guidelines |
AS 5062-2006 | Fire protection for mobile and transportable equipment |
AS/NZS 3350.2.79:1996 | Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements - High pressure cleaners and steam cleaners, for industrial and commercial use |
AS 1284.1-2004 | Electricity metering General purpose induction watthour meters (Reconfirmed 2019) |
AS 1603.11-2001 | Automatic fire detection and alarm systems - Visual warning devices |
AS/NZS 3100:2002 | Approval and test specification - General requirements for electrical equipment |
AS 2707-2002 | Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of dynamic measurement - Cabled transmission of electric and/or electronic pulsed data (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 1367:2007 | Coaxial cable and optical fibre systems for the RF distribution of analog and digital television and sound signals in single and multiple dwelling installations |
AS/NZS 3500.5:2000 | Plumbing and Drainage Domestic installations |
AS 4777.1-2002 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters - Installation requirements |
AS/NZS 2201.1:2007 | Intruder alarm systems Client’s premises - Design, installation, commissioning and maintenance |
AS/NZS 61558.1:2000 | |
AS 4777.3-2005 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Grid protection requirements |
AS 2593-2001 | Boilers - Unattended and limited attendance |
AS 4774.2-2002 | Work in compressed air and hyperbaric facilities - Hyperbaric oxygen facilities |
AS 2832.2-2003 | Cathodic protection of metals Compact buried structures |
AS/NZS 2243.8:2001 | Safety in laboratories - Fume cupboards |
AS 2201.2-2004 | Intruder alarm systems Monitoring centres |
AS 1670.4-2004 | Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning Sound systems and intercom systems for emergency purposes |
AS 4643-2007 | Overhead radiant tube gas heaters |
AS 2885.3-2001 | Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum - Operation and maintenance |
AS 2832.3-2005 | Cathodic protection of metals Fixed immersed structures |
AS/NZS 2927:2001 | The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas |
AS/NZS 3584.2:2003 | Diesel engine systems for underground coal mines - Explosion protected |
AS 2118.1-2006 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems |
AS/NZS 2381.2:2006 | Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Selection, installation and maintenance Flameproof enclosure d |
AS/NZS 3017:2001 | Electrical installations - Testing and inspection guidelines |
HB 13-2000 | Electrical equipment for hazardous areas |
AS 1668.3-2001 | The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings Smoke control systems for large single compartments or smoke reservoirs |
AS/NZS 3439.1:2002 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Type-tested and partially type tested assemblies (IEC 60439-1:1999 MOD) |
AS 4557-2004 | Domestic outdoor gas barbecues |
AS 1735.1-2003 | Lifts, escalators and moving walks General requirements |
AS/NZS 61241.1.2:2000 | Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and surface temperature limitation - Selection, installation and maintenance |
AS/NZS 60598.1:2003 | Luminaires General requirements and tests (IEC 60598-1:2003, MOD) |
AS 2550.1-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use General requirements |
AS 4552-2005 | Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply and/or central heating |
AS 2444-2001 | Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets - Selection and location (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 2243.2:2006 | Safety in laboratories Chemical aspects |
AS/NZS 3760:2000 | In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment |
AS 3962-2001 | Guidelines for design of marinas |
AS/NZS 1768(INT):2003 | Lightning protection |
AS 1418.6-2004 | Cranes, hoists and winches Guided storing and retrieving appliances (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 3947.1:2001 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear General rules |
AS 4214-2002 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems |
AS 60947.1-2004 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear General rules |
AS 60947.2-2005 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Circuit-breakers |
AS/NZS 3112:2004 | Approval and test specification - Plugs and socket-outlets |
AS 62040.1.2-2003 | Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) General and safety requirements for UPS used in restricted access locations |
AS/NZS 61008.1:2004 | Residual current operated circuit breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) General rules (IEC 61008-1, Ed. 2.1 (2002) MOD) |
AS 2550.10-2006 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use Mobile elevating work platforms |
HB 301-2001 | Electrical installations - Designing to the Wiring rules |
HB 29-2000 | Communications Cabling Manual, Module 2: Communications Cabling Handbook |
AS 1670.1-2004 | Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning Fire |
AS 4560-2004 | Gas pool heaters (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3113:2001 | Approval and test specification - Ceiling roses |
AS 4799-2000 | Installation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries |
AS/NZS 4871.1:2002 | Electrical equipment for coal mines, for use underground General requirements |
AS/NZS 3835.1:2006 | Earth potential rise - Protection of telecommunications network users, personnel and plant Code of practice |
AS/NZS 2229:2004 | Fuel dispensing equipment for explosive atmospheres |
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