AS/NZS 1605:2000
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Methods for sampling and analysing timber preservatives and preservative-treated timber
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AS/NZS 1605.1:2006
AS/NZS 1605.4:2006
AS/NZS 1605.3:2006
AS/NZS 1605.2:2006
AS/NZS 1604.3:2021
Sets out a series of methods for sampling and analysing timber preservatives and preservative-treated timber. Methods are grouped into five sections, i.e. sampling preservative liquids and preservative-treated timber, determination of preservative penetration, analysis of preservative retention, analysis of preservative solution concentration, and determination of presence of sapwood. Appendices give examples of a test certificate and means for demonstrating compliance with this Standard.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7337 3334 4
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out a series of methods for sampling and analysing timber preservatives and preservative-treated sawn and round timber.
First published in Australia as AS 1605-1974.
Withdrawn 1977.
Jointly revised and redesignated as AS/NZS 1605:1998.
Second edition 2000.
AS 3529-1988 | Solvents - Toluene |
AS 2163-1995 | Laboratory glassware - Measuring cylinders |
AS/NZS ISO 9000.1:1994 | Quality management and quality assurance standards Guidelines for selection and use |
HB 18.28-1991 | Guidelines for third-party certification and accreditation - Guide 28: General rules for a model third-party certification system for products |
AS/NZS ISO 9004.1:1994 | Quality management and quality system elements Guidelines |
AS 1199-1988 | Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes |
HB 18.28-2005 | Conformity assessment - Guidance on a third-party certification system for products |
AS 2026-1994 | Density hydrometers |
AS 2026-2003 | Laboratory glassware - Density hydrometers |
AS 2163-2002 | Laboratory glassware - Measuring cylinders |
AS/NZS 4491:1997 | Timber - Glossary of terms in timber-related Standards (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1604-1997 | Timber - Preservative-treated - Sawn and round |
AS 1399-1990 | Guide to AS 1199 - Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes |
AS 1604.1-2005 | Specification for preservative treatment Sawn and round timber |
AS/NZS 1604.2:2004 | Specification for preservative treatment Reconstituted wood-based products |
AS/NZS 1604.3:2004 | Specification for preservative treatment Plywood |
AS/NZS 1604.3:2002 | Specification for preservative treatment - Plywood |
AS/NZS 1604.4:2002 | Specification for preservative treatment - Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) |
AS/NZS 1604.5:2002 | Specification for preservative treatment - Glued laminated timber products |
AS 2209-1994 | Timber - Poles for overhead lines |
AS/NZS 1604.4:2004 | Specification for preservative treatment Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) |
AS/NZS 1604.5:2005 | Specification for preservative treatment Glued laminated timber products |
AS/NZS 1604.2:2002 | Specification for preservative treatment - Reconstituted wood-based products |
AS 1604.1-2000 | Specification for preservative treatment Sawn and round timber |
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