AS/NZS 1554.4:1995
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Structural steel welding - Welding of high strength quenched and tempered steels
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Specifies requirements for the welding of a wide range of welded construction using high strength quenched and tempered steels with a specified minimum yield strength not exceeding 800 MPa. It applies to statically loaded structures as well as some welds subject to fatigue conditions, and provides three categories of weld with three differing levels of weld quality assurance associated with different types of service to which the welds are subjected.
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0 7337 0028 4
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Standards Australia
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UnderRevision |
This Standard specifies materials of construction, weld preparations and weld qualities, qualification of welding procedures and welding personnel and fabrication and inspection requirements for welds related to the fusion welding of steelwork in structures made up of combinations of steel plate, sheet or sections, including hollow sections and built-up sections, or castings and forgings, by the following processes:(a) Manual metal-arc welding (MMAW).(b) Submerged arc welding (SAW).(c) Gas metal-arc welding (GMAW), including pulsed mode.(d) Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW).(e) Electroslag (including consumable guide) welding (ESW) (see Note).(f) Electrogas welding (EGW) (see Note).NOTE: These processes may not be suitable for welding quenched and tempered steels (see WTIA Technical Note 15).The Standard is limited to the welding of quenched and tempered steel parent material complying with Clause 2.1.The Standard applies specifically to the welding of steelwork in structures complying with appropriate Standards (see Note below). Where the proportions of welded joints in these structures are governed by dynamic loading conditions, the Standard applies only to those welded joints which comply with the fatigue provisions of AS 3990, as limited by (ii) below, or with the directly equivalent fatigue provisions of other application Standards.Where the operating temperature is lower than -10C, special consideration should be given to brittle fracture.The Standard applies to welded joints which are -(i) not subject to fatigue conditions; or (ii) subject to fatigue conditions; and- (A) the stress range in the welded joint complies with the permissible stress range of stress categories C, D, E, or F of AS 3990, or weld categories lower than or equal to detail category 112 of AS 4100 or NZS 3404.1; or (B) the stress range in the welded joint is not more than 80% of the permissible stress range of stress category B of AS 3990, (category SP weld, see Clause 1.5.2); or (C) the stress range in the welded joint is greater than 80% of the permissible stress range for stress category B of AS 3990, or exceeds the stress range permitted for detail category 112 of AS 4100 or NZS 3404.1 (category FP weld, see Clause 1.5.2), but does not exceed the maximum stress ranges permitted for these categories.In addition to the abovementioned structures, the Standard applies to the welding of cranes, hoists, earthmoving equipment and other dynamically loaded structures, the welding of road and pedestrian bridges and the welding of steelwork in applications other than structural.NOTE: Complementary codes which facilitate design in and fabrication of high strength quenched and tempered steels include the following:(a) American Institute of Steel Construction Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings.(b) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges.(c) American Railway Engineering Association Specifications for Steel Railway Bridges. The Standard does not apply to the welding of structures by the following processes: (1) Oxy-fuel gas welding (GW). (2) Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). (3) Resistance welding (RW). (4) Friction welding (FW). (5) Thermit welding (TW).The Standard does not apply to the welding of pressure vessels and pressure piping.The Standard does not cover the designof welded connections andpermissible stresses in welds, or the production and rectification repair of castings.
First published as AS 1554.4-1989.
Jointly revised and designated AS/NZS 1554.4:1995.
AS 1995-1977 | Welding cables |
AS 2812-1985 | Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms |
AS 3597-1993 | Structural and pressure vessel steel - Quenched and tempered plate |
AS 1553.2-1987 | Covered electrodes for welding - Low and intermediate alloy steel electrodes for manual metal-arc welding of carbon steels and low and intermediate alloy steels |
AS 2062-1997 | Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing of products and components |
AS/NZS 1337:1992 | Eye protectors for industrial applications |
AS 2865-1995 | Safe working in a confined space |
AS 2717.1-1984 | Welding - Electrodes - Gas metal arc Ferritic steel electrodes |
AS 2205.5.1-1997 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Macro metallographic test for cross-section examination |
AS 1450-1983 | Steel tubes for mechanical purposes |
AS 1101.3-1987 | Graphical symbols for general engineering - Welding and non-destructive examination |
AS 4100-1990 | Steel structures |
AS 1858.2-1989 | Electrodes and fluxes for submerged-arc welding - Low and intermediate alloy steels |
AS 1966.1-1985 | Electric arc welding power sources - Transformer type |
AS 1674.2-1990 | Safety in welding and allied processes - Electrical |
AS 2207-1994 | Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of fusion welded joints in carbon and low alloy steel |
AS 2205.2.1-1997 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Transverse butt tensile test |
AS 3990-1993 | Mechanical equipment - Steelwork (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 2214-1994 | Certification of welding supervisors - Structural steel welding |
AS/NZS 1338.1:1992 | Filters for eye protectors Filters for protection against radiation generated in welding and allied operations |
AS 1470-1986 | Health and safety at work - Principles and practices |
AS 1966.2-1985 | Electric arc welding power sources - Rotary type |
AS 1817-1991 | Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test |
AS 2203.1-1990 | Cored electrodes for arc-welding Ferritic steel electrodes |
AS 1796-1993 | Certification of welders and welding supervisors |
AS 2205.7.1-1997 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Charpy V-notch impact fracture toughness test |
AS 2177.1-1994 | Non-destructive testing - Radiography of welded butt joints in metal Methods of test |
AS 1674.1-1997 | Safety in welding and allied processes Fire precautions (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 2205.6.1-1997 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Weld joint hardness test |
AS 1554.1-1985 | Structural steel welding (known as the SAA Structural Steel Welding Code) Welding of steel structures |
AS 2205.3.1-1997 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Transverse guided bend test |
AS 1171-1998 | Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing of ferromagnetic products, components and structures (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS 1336-1982 | Recommended practices for eye protection in the industrial environment |
AS 2980-1987 | Qualification of arc-welders for welding of steels |
AS 1163-1991 | Structural steel hollow sections |
AS 2177.2-1982 | Radiography of welded butt joints in metal - Image quality indicators (IQI) and recommendations for their use |
AS 1210-1989 |
AS/NZS 1100.501:2002 | Technical drawing Structural engineering drawing (Reconfirmed 2014) |
AS/NZS 1554.2:2003 | Structural steel welding Stud welding (steel studs to steel) |
AS 2809.2-1999 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for flammable liquids |
AS 1418.1-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches General requirements |
AS 2809.4-2001 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for toxic and corrosive cargoes |
AS 3533.1-1997 | Amusement rides and devices Design and construction |
AS 2327.1-2003 | Composite structures Simply supported beams |
AS/NZS 1554.1:2000 | Structural steel welding Welding of steel structures |
AS/NZS 3785.4:2002 | Underground mining - Shaft equipment Conveyances for vertical shafts |
AS 2550.1-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use General requirements |
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