AS/NZS 1554.3:2008
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Structural steel welding Welding of reinforcing steel
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Specifies requirements for the welding of reinforcing steel used in concrete structures that are designed and constructed in accordance with AS 3600 or NZS 3101.1, as well as other Standards that may be appropriate. It also applies to the welding of steel connection devices, inserts, anchors and anchor details, including prefabricated assemblies required in reinforced and precast concrete constructions
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0 7337 8645 6
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Standards Australia
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UnderRevision |
This Standard specifies requirements for the welding of reinforcing steel used in concrete structures that are designed and constructed in accordance with AS 3600 or NZS 3101.1, as well as other Standards that may be appropriate, by the following processes:(a) Manual metal-arc welding (MMAW).(b) Gas metal-arc welding (GMAW).(c) Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW).(d) Flash butt welding.(e) Flame-pressure welding or other processes approved by the principal.The Standard applies specifically to the welding of reinforcing steels complying with AS/NZS 4671, but other steels may be used as provided for in Clause 2.1. It also applies to the welding of steel connection devices, inserts, anchors and anchor details, including prefabricated assemblies required in reinforced and precast concrete constructions.NOTE: Further information is given in WTIA Technical Note 11.
Originated as AS CA8.3-1970.
Previous edition AS 1554.3-1983.
Jointly revised and designated AS/NZS 1554.3:2002.
Second edition 2008.
AS/NZS 1337.5:2004 | Personal eye-protection Eye-protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems (laser adjustment eye-protectors) |
AS/NZS 1167.2:1999 | Welding and brazing - Filler metals Filler metal for welding |
AS/NZS 4360:2004 | Risk management |
AS 2205.3.1-2003 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Transverse guided bend test (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS ISO 17632:2006 | Welding consumables - Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Classification (ISO 17632:2004, MOD) (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS ISO 3834.2:1999 | Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials Comprehensive quality requirements |
AS/NZS 1336:1997 | Recommended practices for occupational eye protection |
AS/NZS 1553.1:1995 | Covered electrodes for welding - Low carbon steel electrodes for manual metal-arc welding of carbon steels and carbon-manganese steels |
AS 3600-2001 | Concrete structures |
AS/NZS 1553.2:1999 | Covered electrodes for welding - Low and intermediate alloy steel electrodes for manual metal-arc welding of carbon steels and low and intermediate alloy steels |
AS/NZS 4671:2001 | Steel reinforcing materials |
AS/NZS 1554.1:2004 | Structural steel welding Welding of steel structures |
AS 2203.1-1990 | Cored electrodes for arc-welding Ferritic steel electrodes |
AS/NZS 1554.6:1994 | Structural steel welding - Welding stainless steels for structural purposes |
AS/NZS 1995:2003 | Welding cables (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 3600 SUPP 1-1994 | Concrete structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3600-1994) |
AS 2205.5.1-2003 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Macro metallographic test for cross-section examination (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 1101.3-2005 | Graphical symbols for general engineering Welding and non-destructive examination (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 1391-2007 | Metallic materials - Tensile testing at ambient temperature (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 2980:2007 | Qualification of welders for fusion welding of steels |
AS/NZS 2717.1:1996 | Welding - Electrodes - Gas metal arc - Ferritic steel electrodes |
AS/NZS ISO 3834.1:1999 | Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials Guidelines for selection and use |
AS 2062-1997 | Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing of products and components |
AS 2214-2004 | Certification of welding supervisors - Structural steel welding |
AS/NZS 2865:2001 | Safe working in a confined space |
AS 1674.2-2007 | Safety in welding and allied processes Electrical (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 1337.6:2007 | Personal eye protection Prescription eye protectors against low and medium impact |
AS/NZS 3752:2006 | Welding and allied processes - Determination of hydrogen content in ferritic steel arc weld metal |
AS/NZS 1338.1:1992 | Filters for eye protectors Filters for protection against radiation generated in welding and allied operations |
AS/NZS 4855:2007 | Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Classification |
AS 2799-1992 | Resistance welding equipment - Single-phase a.c. transformer type |
AS/NZS 3992:1998 | Pressure equipment - Welding and brazing qualification |
AS 1674.1-1997 | Safety in welding and allied processes Fire precautions (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS ISO 18276:2006 | Welding consumables - Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of high strength steels - Classification (ISO 18276:2005, MOD) (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 4857:2006 | Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high-strength steels - Classification (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 1337.4:2004 | Personal eye-protection - Filters and eye-protectors against laser radiation (laser eye-protectors) |
AS 1796-2001 | Certification of welders and welding supervisors (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4882-2003 | Shielding gases for welding |
AS 2812-2005 | Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 2205.2.1-2003 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Transverse butt tensile test (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS ISO 3834.4:1999 | Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials Elementary quality requirements |
AS 60974.1-2006 | Arc welding equipment Welding power sources (IEC 60974-1:2000, MOD) |
AS 1171-1998 | Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing of ferromagnetic products, components and structures (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS 60974.11-2005 | Arc welding equipment - Electrode holders |
AS/NZS ISO 3834.3:1999 | Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials Standards quality requirements |
AS 3978-2003 | Non-destructive testing - Visual inspection of metal products and components (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS/NZS 1337:1992 | Eye protectors for industrial applications |
AS 1597.1-2010 | Precast reinforced concrete box culverts Small culverts (not exceeding 1200 mm span and 1200 mm height) |
AS 1597.2-2013 | Precast reinforced concrete box culverts Large culverts (exceeding 1200 mm span or 1200 mm height and up to and including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height) |
AS 4722-2009 | Passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors |
AS EN 12079.2-2010 | Offshore containers and associated lifting sets Lifting sets - Design, manufacture and marking (EN 12079-2:2006, MOD) |
AS 3533.1-2009 | Amusement rides and devices Design and construction |
AS 3600-2009 | Concrete structures |
AS EN 12079.3-2010 | Offshore containers and associated lifting sets Periodic inspection, examination and testing (EN 12079-3:2006, MOD) |
AS/NZS 3584.3:2012 | Diesel engine systems for underground coal mines Maintenance |
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