AS/NZS 1301.457s:2006
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Methods of test for pulp and paper Determination of moisture content in paper, board and pulps
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The moisture content of paper products and pulps must always be defined in terms of a particular method. This Standard describes the two main procedures.
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0 7337 7706 6
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Standards Australia
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The moisture content of many materials is commonly determined by oven-drying, the change in mass of the material being assumed to be due solely to removal of water. In the case of paper products and pulp this assumption is incorrect. Volatile constituents other than water may be lost in oven-drying and oxidation or decomposition of some constituents is possible at high temperatures.The quantity of water removed depends on the method of drying adopted. In oven-drying the moisture values obtained are to some extent dependent on the temperature used, the humidity in the oven and also on the time of drying.When other methods of water removal are used, for instance vacuum desiccation or distillation or extraction with solvents, moisture content values do not always agree with those obtained by an oven-drying method.The moisture content of paper products and pulps must therefore always be defined in terms of a particular method. This Standard describes the two main procedures.The method of sampling for determination of moisture content is critical and the relevant Standard, AS 1301.417s-1992 Methods of test for pulp and paper, Method 417s: Sampling paper, board and pulp for testing, fully describes the procedure required.NOTE 1 - When information is required on variations in moisture content between the centre and edges of sheets or across a reel, a number of test pieces must be cut in a pattern decided by the information required. A scheme for this is described in ISO 287:1985.
Originated as AS 1301.457s-1992.
Jointly revised and designated AS/NZS 1301.457s:2006.
AS 2508.2.007-2001 | Safe storage and handling information card - Liquefied petroleum gas |
AS/NZS 2243.2:2006 | Safety in laboratories Chemical aspects |
AS 1301.417S-1992 | Methods of test for pulp and paper - Sampling paper, board and pulp for testing |
AS 2508.10.001-2000 | Safe storage and handling information card - Agricultural and veterinary chemicals (Packaged products only) |
AS 2828.1-2012 | Health records Paper-based health records |
AS 2277-1994 | Paper for MICR encoded documents |
AS/NZS 1301.451RP:2007 | Methods of test for pulp and paper Fibre furnish analysis (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 2828-1999 | Paper-based health care records |
AS/NZS 1301.012:2017 | Methods of test for pulp and paper Organic solvent extractives in wood, pulp and paper |
AS/NZS 1301.456S:2006 | Methods of test for pulp and paper Determination of conductivity of aqueous extracts of paper, board and pulps (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 1301.405S:2004 | Methods of test for pulp and paper Grammage of non-creped paper and board |
AS/NZS 1301.012S:2003 | Methods of test for pulp and paper Organic solvent extractives in wood, pulp and paper (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 2828.1:2019 | Health records Paper health records |
AS/NZS 1301.418S:1994 | Methods of test for pulp and paper - Ash content of wood, pulp, paper and board |
AS/NZS 1301.208s:2007 | Methods of test for pulp and paper Physical testing of pulp handsheets (Reconfirmed 2017) |
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