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AS 4773.2-2010



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Masonry in small buildings - Construction

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AS 4773.2:2015



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Sets out construction practices for masonry in small buildings, such as houses, garages, small warehouses and the like.

978 0 7337 9744
Standards Australia

This Standard provides acceptable construction practices for masonry in buildings of Class 1 and Class 10a, as defined in the BCA, and designed in accordance with AS 4773.1 and documented in drawings and specifications to be constructed from clay, concrete, or calcium silicate masonry units complying with Section 2 and the following:(a) Leaf thicknesses are 90 mm or greater.(b) The tops of all walls are laterally supported by a roof or floor structure acting as a diaphragm with the exception of parapets, chimneys and cantilevers in accordance with Clause 14.10 and fin walls in accordance with Table 9.1.(c) Walls are supported on concrete slabs or footings complying with AS 2870 or suspended slabs complying with AS 3600.(d) The geometric limitations specified in Clause 1.2.3.The Scope of this Standard does not cover the following:(i) Acoustics and energy efficiency.(ii) Construction or detailing of attachments such as basketball hoops, satellite dishes, shade structures and similar structures.(iii) Masonry constructed from autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) units.(iv) Structures required to be designed for earthquake actions in accordance with AS 1170.4.NOTES: 1 For acoustic and energy efficiency requirements, see the BCA.2 For applications outside the scope of this Standard, the masonry should be constructed in accordance with AS 3700.3 Information that is to be provided on drawings and specifications is given in Appendix A.4 Guidance on the cleaning of masonry is given in Appendix B.

Originated as part of AS 3700 2001.
AS 3700 2001 revised, in part, and designated AS 4773.2 2010.

AS 1141.24-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Aggregate soundness - Evaluation by exposure to sodium sulfate solution
AS 1141.33-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Clay and fine silt (settling method)
AS 1684.2 N4 SUPP 5-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas N4 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 2870-1996 Residential slabs and footings - Construction
AS 1684.1-1999 Residential timber-framed construction Design criteria
AS 1141.26-2008 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Secondary minerals content in igneous rocks
AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 5-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas C1 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 2-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 2-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.7-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Apparent particle density of filler
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 11-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3 - 2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.11.1-2009 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle size distribution - Sieving method
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 14-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 2-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.52-2008 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Unconfined cohesion of compacted pavement materials
AS 1684.2 N1 N2 SUPP 5-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas - N1/N2 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.2 - 2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.40-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Polished aggregate friction value - Vertical road-wheel machine
AS 1141.15-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Flakiness index (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 7-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3 - 2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 4100 SUPP 1-1999 Steel structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS 4100-1998)
AS 1684.2 N3 SUPP 5-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas N3 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.29-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Accelerated soundness index by reflux
AS 1141.3.1-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sampling - Aggregates
AS 4055-2006 Wind loads for housing
AS 1141.50-1998 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Resistance to stripping of cover aggregates from binders (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1720.4-2006 Timber structures Fire resistance for structural adequacy of timber members
AS 1141.42-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Pendulum friction test
AS 1141.8-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Water-soluble fraction of filler
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 3-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 3-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 9-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 13-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.65-2008
AS/NZS 4600 SUPP 1:1998 Cold-formed steel structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS/NZS 4600:1996)
AS 1478.2-2005 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Methods of sampling and testing admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 3600-2009 Concrete structures
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 9-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.19-1998 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Fine particle size distribution in road materials by sieving and decantation (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1684.2 N4 SUPP 6-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas N4 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.37-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Iron unsoundness (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1720.2-2006 Timber structures Timber properties
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 7-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 4455.1:2008 Masonry units, pavers, flags and segmental retaining wall units Masonry units (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 7-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1720.1-2010 Timber structures Design methods
AS 1684.4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Simplified - Non-Cyclonic Areas
AS 1141.30.2-2009 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Preparation of aggregate reference specimens for visual comparison
AS 1141.30.1-2009 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Coarse aggregate quality by visual comparison
AS 1141.12-1996 Methods for sampling and testing of aggregates Materials finer than 75 micrometre in aggregates (by washing)
AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 6-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas - C3 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 10-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 SUPP 6-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas N3 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 6-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas C1 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.35-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sugar
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 10-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.0-1999 List of methods
AS 1141.2-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Basic testing equipment
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 12-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 7-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 10-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) AS 1684.3 (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 11-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 1-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 8-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 10-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 3-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification, N1/N2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.4-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Bulk density of aggregate (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 10-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.28-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Ball mill value
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 8-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification, N1/N2 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 8-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas C3 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 1170.2:2002 Structural design actions Wind actions
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 1-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C1 SUPP 4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas C1 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 2-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification, N1/N2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 Supp 0-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas Supplement 0: General introduction and index (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 1-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 11-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 1-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification, N1/N2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.3.2-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sampling - Rock spalls, boulders and drill core
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 15-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 7-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14, (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas
AS/NZS 2699.3:2002 Built-in components for masonry construction Lintels and shelf angles (durability requirements)
AS 3600 SUPP 1-1994 Concrete structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3600-1994)
AS 1141.41-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Polished aggregate friction value - Horizontal bed machine
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 7-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 7: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - WA seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 5-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas C3 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 15-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 4100-1998 Steel structures (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 3-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1316-2003 Masonry cement (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1141.25.2-2003 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Degradation factor - Coarse aggregate (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 3-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 SUPP 4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas N4 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10, (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.14-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle shape, by proportional caliper (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1684.2 Supp 0-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas - Supplement 0: General introduction and index(Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 14-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 13-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3 - 2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 15-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.31-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Light particles
AS 1141.21-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Aggregate crushing value (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1141.32-2008 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Weak particles (including clay lumps, soft and friable particles) in coarse aggregates
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 14-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.6.2-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle density and water absorption of coarse aggregate - Pycnometer method (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1141.36-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sulfur in metallurgical slag, crushed rock or other pavement materials
AS 1141.20.2-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Average least dimension - Direct measurement (nominal sizes 5 mm and 7 mm)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 12-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 2311:2009 Guide to the painting of buildings
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 1-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 3700 SUPP 1-2004 Masonry structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3700-2001)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 8-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 12-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 2904:1995 Damp-proof courses and flashings
AS 1141.34-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Organic impurities other than sugar
AS 1141.20.1-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Average least dimension - Direct measurement (nominal size 10 mm and greater) (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 6-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas C2 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 9-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 15-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 12-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 13-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.16-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Angularity number (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 12-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1 N2 SUPP 6-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas - N1/N2 Supplement 6: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.2 - 2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.6.1-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle density and water absorption of coarse aggregate - Weighing-in-water method (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1141.20.3-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Average least dimension - Calculation (nomograph)
AS 1684.2 N3 SUPP 4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas N3 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 15-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 10-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 10: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.23-2009 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Los Angeles value
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.18-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Crushed particles in coarse aggregate derived from gravel
AS 1170.4-2007 Structural design actions Earthquake actions in Australia (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 1-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.25.3-2003 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Degradation factor - Fine aggregate (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 13-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.5-2000 Method for sampling and testing aggregates Particle density and water absorption of fine aggregate (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 9-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification, N1/N2 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 4773.1-2010 Masonry in small buildings Design
AS 1141.17-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Voids in dry compacted filler
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 12-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 12: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 9-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 4456.11:2003 Masonry units, segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test Determining coefficients of expansion (Reconfirmed 2023)
AS 1141.13-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Material finer than 2 μm (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 11-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1672.1-1997 Limes and limestones Limes for building
AS 2870 SUPP 1-1996 Residential slabs and footings - Construction - Commentary (Supplement to AS 2870-1996)
AS 1170.4 SUPP 1-1993 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Earthquake loads - Commentary (Supplement to AS 1170.4-1993)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 11-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 9-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 9: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F27 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supp 14-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C3 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 13-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 15-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 15: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1141.25.1-2003 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Degradation factor - Source rock (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 8-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 5-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas C2 Supplement 5: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 8-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 8: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 2699.1:2000 Built-in components for masonry construction Wall ties
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 11-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 11: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Unseasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supp 14-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C2 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 13-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 13: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas
AS 1141.27-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Resistance to wear by attrition
AS 1141.1-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Definitions
AS 1684.2 N4 Supp 3-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N4 Supplement 3: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N4 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supp 14-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N1/N2 Supplement 14: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N1/N2 - Unseasoned hardwood - Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 4671:2001 Steel reinforcing materials
AS 1684.3 C1 Supp 2-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas, C1 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C1 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supp 2-2010 Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas, N3 Supplement 2: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification N3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-2010) (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 4600:2005 Cold-formed steel structures
AS 1141.22-2008 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Wet/dry strength variation
AS 3700-2001 Masonry structures
AS/NZS 4456.12:2003 Masonry units and segmental pavers and flags - Methods of test Determining coefficients of contraction (Reconfirmed 2023)
AS 3660.1-2000 Termite management New building work
AS 1141.11.2-2008 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle size distribution for vision sizing systems

AS 2047-2014 Windows and external glazed doors in buildings
AS 2870-2011 Residential slabs and footings

Including GST where applicable

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