AS 4041-1998
An Available Superseded Standard is one, which has been made available for a period of time although it has been formally superseded by another Standard. Its availability is maintained where it is referenced in legislation/regulations or in other Standards and its use should be restricted to where so referenced. No responsibility is taken by Intertek Inform as to the ongoing technical validity of such a Standard, the responsibility resting with the referencing authority.
Pressure piping
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Specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design, fabrication, testing, inspection, reports and pre-commissioning of piping subject to internal pressure or external pressure or both. Specific requirements are given for piping constructed of carbon, carbon-manganese, low alloy and high alloy steels, ductile and cast iron, as well as copper, aluminium, nickel, titanium and alloys of these materials. General requirements and reference to Standards for non-metallic piping are included. A method for Standard piping design without the need for calculations is given in Appendix T.
Committee |
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0 7337 1934 1
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Standards Australia
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Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the materials, design, fabrication, testing, inspection, reports and pre-commissioning of piping subject to internal pressure or external pressure or both. Specific requirements are given for piping constructed of carbon, carbon-manganese, low alloy and high alloy steels, ductile and cast iron, copper, aluminium, nickel, titanium and alloys of these materials. General requirements and reference to Standards for non-metallic piping are included.
Piping complying with BS 806, ANSI/ASME B31.1, ANSI/ASME B31.3 and ANSI/ASME B31.5 are deemed to meet the requirements of this Standard (see Clause 1.6). This Standard applies specifically to pressure piping, i.e. piping which may present a significant risk of injury to people, property or the environment owing to hazards arising from-(a) the effects of pressure, either as a result of internal pressure causing an explosion or projectile, or as a result of external pressure causing buckling and collapse; (b) release of contents which are lethal, toxic, harmful to human tissue (e.g. hot, cold, corrosive) flammable, combustible or are otherwise hazardous; or (c) release of contents which directly or indirectly result in injury or damage e.g. piping for pollutants, fire-fighting purposes or cooling purposes.
This Standard is intended to apply to the following piping except when varied by the relevant Standard: (i) Piping for land steam boilers, prime-movers, refrigerant and other industrial plant except where the piping forms an integral part of a boiler or pressure vessel and the requirements of AS 1210 or AS 1228 apply.
(ii) Hydraulic piping, water piping (including feed water piping), process piping, hot water piping exceeding 99°C and water piping forming part of a fire protection system (see AS 3689 and AS 4118). See also Items (A) to (G) of this Clause.
(iii) Piping within boundaries of chemical manufacturing or processing installations, petroleum refineries, petrochemical plant, gas process plant, refinery tank farms, terminals and bulk handling plants.
(iv) Oil fuel piping within the scope of AS 1375, AS 1692 and AS 1940. (v) Liquefied petroleum gas piping within the scope of AS 1596. (vi) Anhydrous ammonia within the scope of AS 2022.
(vii) Low-temperature and refrigeration piping within the scope of AS 1677. (viii) Piping for road tank vehicles within the scope of AS 2809.
(ix) Compressed air piping, the design pressure of which exceeds 70 kPa (internal) or 32 kPa (external).
(x) Piping for low pressure gas systems complying with AG 601.
(xi) Other piping covered by Standards Australia Standards which require compliance with this Standard.
This Standard may be applied beyond the limits of application of Items (i) to (xi) where specified by the purchaser. Unless suitably referenced this Standard is not intended to apply to the following:
(A) Gas and liquid petroleum pipelines covered by AS 2885.
(B) Gas distribution pipelines covered by AS 1697 for Australia or NZS 5258 for New Zealand.
(C) Liquid hydrocarbon pipelines with operating pressure less than 2 MPa which are covered by AS 2018.
(D) Piping on shipping and aircraft.
(E) Piping used for roof or floor drains, plumbing services, sewers, domestic water and gas reticulation, and low pressure ventilation ducting.
(F) Mineral slurry pipelines which are covered by ANSI/ASME B31.11.
(G) Nuclear piping.
First published in part as part of AS B65-1943 (being endorsement of BS 806-1954 with Amendments).
Second edition 1955 (being endorsement of BS 806:1954 with Amendments).
AS CB15 first published 1959.
AS B65-1955 revised and redesignated in part as AS CB18.1-1967.
AS CB15-1959 revised and redesignated AS CB15.1-1970 and AS CB15.3-1967.
AS CB18.1 Int1 first published 1971.
AS 1135 first published 1973.
AS CB15.1-1970, AS CB15.3-1967, AS CB18.1-1967, AS CB18.1 Int1-1971 and AS 1135-1973 revised, amalgamated and redesignated AS 4041-1992.
Second edition 1998.
AS/NZS 1596:2002 | The storage and handling of LP Gas |
AS 4343-1999 | Pressure equipment - Hazard levels |
AS 3873-1995 | Pressure equipment - Operation and maintenance |
AS 2885.2-2002 | Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum - Welding |
AS 2896-1998 | Medical gas systems - Installation and testing of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems |
AS/NZS 3992:1998 | Pressure equipment - Welding and brazing qualification |
AS 2593-2004 | Boilers - Safety management and supervision systems (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 3892-2001 | Pressure equipment - Installation (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 5601-2004 | Gas installations |
AS 3795-1996 | Copper alloy tubes for plumbing and drainage applications |
AS 1410-2003 | Sterilizers - Steam - Pre-vacuum |
AS 5047-2005 | Hydraulic shoring and trench lining equipment |
AS 1796-2001 | Certification of welders and welding supervisors (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 1200:2000 | Pressure equipment |
AS 4037-1992 | Boilers and pressure vessels - Examination and testing |
AS 1796-1993 | Certification of welders and welding supervisors |
AS 2809.6-2001 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for cryogenic liquids |
AS 4214.6-1998 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - FE-13 (HFC-23) total flooding systems |
AS 1697-2005 | Installation and maintenance of steel pipe systems for gas |
AS 4728-2005 | Electric resistance welded steel pipe for pressure purposes (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 1677.2:1998 | Refrigerating systems Safety requirements for fixed applications |
AS 2885.1-1997 | Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum Design and construction |
AS 1894-1997 | The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 1418.1-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches General requirements |
AS 1940-2004 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS 4214.2-1995 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems Inergen (IG-541) total flooding systems |
AS 4587-1999 | Water mist fire protection systems - System design, installation and commissioning |
AS 4118.1.1-1996 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Sprinklers and sprayers (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 1418.15-1994 | Cranes (including hoists and winches) - Concrete placing equipment |
AS/NZS 2022:2003 | Anhydrous ammonia - Storage and handling (Reconfirmed 2023) |
AS 2118.9-1995 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems Piping support and installation (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 2514-1999 | Drying cabinets for medical equipment |
AS/NZS 1200:1994 | Pressure equipment |
AS 1228-1997 | Pressure equipment - Boilers |
AS/NZS 3518:2004 | Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) compounds, pipes and fittings for pressure applications |
AS 1572-1998 | Copper and copper alloys - Seamless tubes for engineering purposes (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 4214.5-1995 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems NAF S-III (HCFC Blend A) Total flooding systems |
AS/NZS 3788:1996 | Pressure equipment - In-service inspection |
AS 1569-1998 | Copper and copper alloys - Seamless tubes for heat exchangers (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 4037-1999 | Pressure equipment - Examination and testing (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 1596:1997 | Storage and handling of LP Gas |
AS 1432-1996 | Copper tubes for plumbing, gasfitting and drainage applications |
AS/NZS 4129:2000 | Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications |
AS/NZS 4129:2000 | Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications |
AS 3873-2001 | Pressure equipment - Operation and maintenance |
AS 4214.4-1995 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems FM-200 (HFC-227ea) Systems |
AS 3920.1-1993 | Assurance of product quality Pressure equipment manufacture |
AS 4214.7-1998 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - Triodide (FIC-13I1) total flooding systems |
AS 2809.3-1999 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for compressed liquefiable gases |
AS 1271-1997 | Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges, and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels |
AS/NZS 3788:2006 | Pressure equipment - In-service inspection (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 5034-2005 | Installation and use of inert gases for beverage dispensing |
AS 1432-2004 | Copper tubes for plumbing, gasfitting and drainage applications |
AS 1210-1997 | Pressure vessels |
AS 4343-2005 | Pressure equipment - Hazard levels |
AS/NZS 4129(INT):1997 | Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications |
AS/NZS 2927:2001 | The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas |
AS 1271-2003 | Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4214.3-1995 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems Carbon dioxide systems |
AS 2419.1-1994 | Fire hydrant installations System design, installation and commissioning |
AS 4458-1997 | Pressure equipment - Manufacture (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1418.8-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches - Special purpose appliances |
AS 4118.2.1-1995 | Fire sprinkler systems Piping - General (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS/NZS 2566.2:2002 | Buried flexible pipelines Installation (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1418.1-1994 | Cranes (including hoists and winches) General requirements |
AS/NZS 4081:2001 | The storage and handling of liquid and liquefied polyfunctional isocyanates (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 3788:2001 | Pressure equipment - In-service inspection |
AS 4214-2002 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems |
AS 4214.1-1995 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems General requirements |
AS 3892-1995 | Pressure equipment - Installation |
AS/NZS 2229:2004 | Fuel dispensing equipment for explosive atmospheres |
AS 2419.1-2005 | Fire hydrant installations System design, installation and commissioning |
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