AS 3900.4-1994
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Quality management and quality assurance Standards - Guide to dependability program management
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Provides general guidance on dependability program management, its relationship to quality of goods and services and the non-quantitative aspects of reliability, availability and maintainability. This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO 9000-4:1993/IEC 300-1:1993.
Committee |
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0 7262 8858 6
Pages |
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Standards Australia
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SupersededBy |
This part of IEC 300/ISO 9000 provides guidance on dependability programme management. It covers the essential features of a comprehensive dependability programme for the planning, organization, direction and control of resources to produce products which will be reliable and maintainable. In management terms, it is concerned with what has to be done, and why, and when and how it has to be done, but it is not specific about who should do it and where, because organizations and projects vary widely.This part of IEC 300/ISO 9000 is applicable to hardware and/or software products, where dependability characteristics are significant during the operation and maintenance phase. The requirements are aimed primarily at controlling influences on dependability at all product life-cycle phases from product planning to operation.Any agreement using the guidance given in this part of IEC 300/ ISO 9000 may use selected parts to fit particular circumstances. The parties involved shall agree upon and record the extent to which it is applied, including the guidance given in other parts of the IEC 300 series. Any selected clauses used in this way become requirements.NOTES:1 The guidance given in this part of IEC 300/ISO 9000 primarily applies to a supplier with a small number of qualified customers but it can also be applied to the supply of consumer products.2 The guidance given in this part of IEC 300/ISO 9000 addresses the life-cycle phases as defined and would also apply to any further subdivision of phases.3 The masculine gender is used in this part of IEC 300/ ISO 9000 to represent also the feminine gender where applied to persons.4 In the context of this part of IEC 300/ISO 9000 the terms "document" and "documentation" are not restricted to paper media.5 The term "customer" used in this part of IEC 300/ ISO 9000 is synonymous with the term "purchaser".
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 9000-4:1993 | Identical |
IEC 60300-1:1993 | Identical |
First published in Australia as AS 3900.4-1994.
First published in New Zealand as NZS 9000.4:1994.
AS/NZS 3842:1998 | Guide 62: General requirements for bodies operating assessment and certification/registration of quality systems |
AS 1366.2-1992 | Rigid cellular plastics sheets for thermal insulation Rigid cellular polyisocyanurate (RC/PIR) (Reconfirmed 2018) |
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