AS 2809.4-1986
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for toxic and corrosive cargoes
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Gives specific requirements additional to, or varying from, those of Part 1, for tankers for the transport of liquids that are toxic or corrosive.
Committee |
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0 7262 4367 1
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Standards Australia
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This Part 4 of this standard specifies requirements for the design and construction of tankers for the transport of cargo which is normally liquid, and which is toxic or corrosive. It is complementary to AS 2809.1.NOTE: Five alternative types of cargo tanks are described. The Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods will specify which of them must be used for a particular cargo. Where it is desired to transport a product not listed in the Code, the Authority should be consulted. Regulations may forbid the transport of certain dangerous goods in bulk, or may limit the quantity, or may require specific approval beforehand.
Under revision see DR 00033
AS 3780-1994 | The storage and handling of corrosive substances |
AS 2809.1-1999 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - General requirements |
AS 4326-1995 | The storage and handling of oxidizing agents |
AS/NZS 4681:2000 | The storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles |
AS 1210-1997 | Pressure vessels |
AS/NZS 2927:2001 | The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas |
HB 13-2000 | Electrical equipment for hazardous areas |
AS/NZS 4452:1997 | The storage and handling of toxic substances |
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