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AS 2758.1-1998



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Aggregates and rock for engineering purposes - Concrete aggregates

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AS 2758.1:2014



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6 - 1 SCOPE
7 - 4.1 Aggregate
7 - 4.1.1 Coarse aggregate
8 - 4.1.2 Fine aggregate
8 - 4.1.3 Heavyweight aggregate
8 - 4.1.4 Lightweight aggregate
8 - 4.1.5 Normal weight aggregate
8 - 4.1.6 Ultra lightweight aggregate
8 - 4.2 Bulk density
8 - 4.3 Nominal size
8 - 4.4 Particle density
8 - 4.5 Recycled aggregate
8 - 4.6 Single size aggregates
8 - 5.1 General
8 - 5.2 Tender samples
8 - 7.1 Particle density
8 - 7.2 Bulk density
9 - 7.3 Water absorption
9 - 8.1 Particle size distribution (grading)
9 - 8.1.1 General
9 - 8.1.2 Coarse aggregate
10 - 8.1.3 Fine aggregate
11 - 8.2 Material finer than 75 um
11 - 8.2.1 Coarse and fine aggregates
11 - 8.2.2 Material finer than 2 um
12 - 8.3 Particle shape in coarse aggregate
12 - 9.1 General
12 - 9.2 Fine aggregates
13 - 9.3 Coarse aggregates
13 - 9.3.1 General
13 - 9.3.2 Wet strength and wet/dry strength variation
13 - 9.3.3 Los Angeles value and sodium sulfate soundness
14 - 9.3.4 Los Angeles value and unsound and marginal stone content
15 - 10.1 General
15 - 10.2 Requirements
16 - 14.1 Organic impurities
16 - 14.2 Sugar
16 - 14.3 Soluble salts
16 - 14.3.1 Chlorides
16 - 14.3.2 Sulfates
16 - 14.3.3 Other salts
16 - 15.1 Iron unsoundness
16 - 15.2 Falling or dusting unsoundness
17 - 15.3 Stockpiling of iron blast furnace slag aggregate
17 - 16.1 Weak particles
17 - 16.2 Loss on ignition
17 - 16.3 Variation of bulk density

Provides a basis for specifying requirements for aggregates for use in concrete. This Standard is for use in conjunction with a works specification, and it is expected that requirements may be varied on the basis of local experience. The requirements relate to quality of rock, grading, durability and other properties of aggregates including lightweight aggregates.

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Standards Australia

This Standard provides a basis for specifying requirements for aggregates intended for use in the production of concrete, including precast products. The requirements and alternatives relate to quality of rock and the properties of aggregates including lightweight aggregates, and refer to the relevant test methods in AS 1141, AS 1012 and AS 4489.

First published in part as part of AS A24-1934.
AS A25 first published 1934.
AS A24-1934 and AS A25-1934 revised, amalgamated and redesignated AS A77-1957.
AS A168 first published 1971.
AS A77-1957 revised and redesignated in part as AS 1465-1974.
AS 1466 first published 1974.
AS A168-1971 revised and redesignated AS 1467-1975.
AS 1465-1974, AS 1466-1974 and AS 1467-1975 revised, amalgamated and redesignated AS 2758.1-1985.
Second edition 1998.

AS 1141.23-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Los Angeles value
AS 1141.37-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Iron unsoundness (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1141.13-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Material finer than 2 μm (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1141.25.1-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Degradation factor - Source rock
AS 1141.11-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle size distribution by sieving
AS 1141.4-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Bulk density of aggregate (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1141.37-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Iron unsoundness
AS 1141.35-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sugar
AS 1141.13-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Material finer than 2 micrometer
AS 1141.24-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Aggregate soundness - Evaluation by exposure to sodium sulfate solution
AS 1141.22-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Wet/dry strength variation
AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994 Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing
AS 1141.34-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Organic impurities other than sugar
AS 1141.12-1996 Methods for sampling and testing of aggregates Materials finer than 75 micrometre in aggregates (by washing)
AS 1141.3.2-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sampling - Rock spalls, boulders and drill core
AS 1141.32-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Weak particles (including clay lumps, soft and friable particles) in coarse aggregates
AS 1141.4-1996 Methods for sampling and testing of aggregates Bulk density of aggregate
AS 4489.7.1-1997 Test methods for limes and limestones Loss on ignition - Quicklime, hydrated lime and limestone (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1012.20-1992 Methods of testing concrete Determination of chloride and sulfate in hardened concrete and concrete aggregates
AS 1141.14-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle shape, by proportional caliper (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1141.14-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle shape, by proportional calliper
HB 18.25-1991 Guidelines for third-party certification and accreditation - Guide 25: General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories
AS 1141.31-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Light particles
AS 1141.6.1-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle density and water absorption of coarse aggregate - Weighing-in-water method (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1141.35-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sugar
AS 1141.5-2000 Method for sampling and testing aggregates Particle density and water absorption of fine aggregate (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1141.30-1996 Methods for sampling and testing of aggregates Coarse aggregate quality by visual comparison
AS 3600-2001 Concrete structures
AS 1141.3.1-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Sampling - Aggregates
AS 1141.6.2-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle density and water absorption of coarse aggregate - Pycnometer method (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1379-1997 Specification and supply of concrete
AS 1141.15-1999 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Flakiness index (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1379-2007 Specification and supply of concrete (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 3600-1994 Concrete structures
AS 1141.25.1-2003 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Degradation factor - Source rock (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1141.6.1-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Particle density and water absorption of coarse aggregate - Weighing-in-water method
AS 1012.13-1992 Methods of testing concrete Determination of the drying shrinkage of concrete for samples prepared in the field or in the laboratory
AS 1141.26-1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Secondary minerals content in basic igneous rocks
HB 79-1996 Alkali Aggregate reaction - Guidelines on Minimising the Risk of Damage to Concrete Structures in Australia
AS 1141.5-1996 Methods for sampling and testing of aggregates Particle density and water absorption of fine aggregate
AS 1141.34-2007 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Organic impurities other than sugar

AS 1631-1994 Cast grey and ductile iron non-pressure pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1012.2-1994 Methods of testing concrete Preparation of concrete mixes in the laboratory
AS 1281-2001 Cement mortar lining of steel pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1085.14-2012 Railway track material Prestressed concrete sleepers
AS/NZS 1547:2012 On-site domestic wastewater management
AS 4065-1992 Concrete poles for overhead lines and street lighting
AS 4139-1993 Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings
AS 4060-1992 Loads on buried vitrified clay pipes (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1478.1-2000 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Admixtures for concrete (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1597.1-2010 Precast reinforced concrete box culverts Small culverts (not exceeding 1200 mm span and 1200 mm height)
AS 1012.8.2-2000 Methods of testing concrete Method for making and curing concrete - Flexure test specimens
AS 1141.30-1996 Methods for sampling and testing of aggregates Coarse aggregate quality by visual comparison
AS 3958.1-1991 Ceramic tiles Guide to the installation of ceramic tiles
AS/NZS 1546.1:2008 On-site domestic wastewater treatment units Septic tanks
AS 3600-2001 Concrete structures
AS 2050-1995 Installation of roof tiles
AS 4139-2003 Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1597.2-2013 Precast reinforced concrete box culverts Large culverts (exceeding 1200 mm span or 1200 mm height and up to and including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height)
AS/NZS 3500.1.2:1998 National plumbing and drainage Water supply - Acceptable solutions
AS 1478-1992 Chemical admixtures for concrete
AS 1735.1-2001 Lifts, escalators and moving walks - General requirements
AS 2876-2000 Concrete kerbs and channels (gutters) - Manually or machine placed
AS 3706.7-2014 Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of pore-size distribution - Dry-sieving method
AS/NZS 1547:2000 On-site domestic wastewater management
AS/NZS 2566.1:1998 Buried flexible pipelines Structural design
AS 3600-1994 Concrete structures
AS 3958.1-2007 Ceramic tiles Guide to the installation of ceramic tiles
AS/NZS 4058:2007 Precast concrete pipes (pressure and non-pressure)
AS 2280-1991 Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings
AS/NZS 3500.4:2003 Plumbing and drainage Heated water services
AS/NZS 3500.2.2:1996 National plumbing and drainage Sanitary plumbing and drainage - Acceptable solutions
AS 3700-1998 Masonry structures
AS 2159-2009 Piling - Design and installation
AS 2050-2002 Installation of roof tiles
AS 4058-1992 Precast concrete pipes (pressure and non-pressure)
AS/NZS 2544:1995 Grey iron pressure fittings
AS 1141.65-2008
AS/NZS 3500.3:2003 Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage
AS 1379-2007 Specification and supply of concrete (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1085.14-2003 Railway track material Prestressed concrete sleepers
AS 3500.1-1992 National Plumbing and Drainage Code Water supply
AS/NZS 1229:1997 Laundry troughs and tubs
HB 2.1-1998 Australian Standards for civil engineering students - Materials and testing
AS 1141.24-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Aggregate soundness - Evaluation by exposure to sodium sulfate solution
AS 3610 SUPP 2-1996 Formwork for concrete - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3610-1995)
AS 3700-2001 Masonry structures
AS 4597-1999 Installation of roof slates and shingles (Non-interlocking type) (Reconfirmed 2015)
AS 2150-1995 Hot mix asphalt
AS/NZS 1229:2002 Laundry troughs and tubs
AS 3700-2011 Masonry structures
AS/NZS 2280:2004 Ductile iron pipes and fittings
AS 1141.60.2:2014 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Potential alkali-silica reactivity - Concrete prism method
AS 2049-1992 Roof tiles
AS 1012.8.1-2000 Methods of testing concrete Method for making and curing concrete - Compression and indirect tensile test specimens
DR 01195 CP Laundry troughs and tubs
AS 1085.14-1997 Railway permanent way material Prestressed concrete sleepers
SAA HB 109-1998 Slabs and footings for reinforced masonry houses
AS 4198-1994 Precast concrete access chambers for sewerage applications
AS 2049-2002 Roof tiles (Reconfirmed 2015)
AS 1229-1991 Laundry troughs
AS/NZS 2280:2014 Ductile iron pipes and fittings
AS 1547-1994 Disposal systems for effluent from domestic premises
AS/NZS 2280:1995 Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings
AS 1720.1-1997 Timber structures Design methods
AS 3600-2009 Concrete structures
AS 3648-1993 Specification and methods of test for packaged concrete mixes
AS 1379-1991 The specification and manufacture of concrete
AS 1379-1997 Specification and supply of concrete
AS 1735.8-1986 Lifts, escalators and moving walks (known as the SAA Lift Code) Inclined lifts
AS 2758.6-2008 Aggregates and rock for engineering purposes Guidelines for the specification of armourstone
AS 1141.30.1-2009 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Coarse aggregate quality by visual comparison
AS/NZS 1516:1994 The cement mortar lining of pipelines in situ (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 1735.1-2003 Lifts, escalators and moving walks General requirements
AS 1012.13-1992 Methods of testing concrete Determination of the drying shrinkage of concrete for samples prepared in the field or in the laboratory
AS/NZS 2566.2:2002 Buried flexible pipelines Installation (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1597.2-1996 Precast reinforced concrete box culverts Large culverts (from 1500 mm span and up to and including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height)
AS 1281-1993 Cement mortar lining of steel pipes and fittings
AS/NZS 1546.1:1998 On-site domestic wastewater treatment units - Septic tanks
AS 1141.30.2-2009 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates Preparation of aggregate reference specimens for visual comparison
AS 1012.14-1991 Methods of testing concrete Method for securing and testing cores from hardened concrete for compressive strength
AS/NZS 2280:1999 Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings
HB 109-1998 Slabs and footings for reinforced masonry houses
AS/NZS 2280:2012 Ductile iron pipes and fittings
AS 1478.2-2005 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Methods of sampling and testing admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 3706.7-2003 Geotextiles - Methods of Test Determination of pore-size distribution - Dry-sieving method
AS/NZS 3500.3.2:1998 National plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage - Acceptable solutions

Including GST where applicable

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