AS 2434.4-2002
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Methods for the analysis and testing of lower rank coal and its chars Dried lower rank coal and its chars - Determination of apparent density - Mercury displacement method (Reconfirmed 2013) (Reconfirmed 2023)
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Specifies a method for the determination of the apparent density of dried lower rank coal and its chars by mercury displacement.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7337 4853 8
Pages |
ProductNote |
Reconfirmed 12-08-2013
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
Supersedes |
This Standard sets out a mercury displacement method for the determination of the apparent density of dried lower rank coal and its char.
Originated as AS 2434.4-1985.
Second edition 2002.
AS 2508.3.008-1983 | Safe storage and handling information cards for hazardous materials - Acrylonitrile (inhibited) |
AS 2508.6.017-1989 | Safe storage and handling information card - Lead acetate |
AS 2508.2.006-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ethylene oxide |
AS 2243.10-1993 | Safety in laboratories - Storage of chemicals |
AS 2508.6.011-1988 | Safe storage and handling information card - Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene, Per or Perc) |
AS 2508.3.014-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Xylenes (xylols) |
AS 2508.6.020-1991 | Safe storage and handling information card - Selenious acid, selenates and selenites |
AS 2508.2.013-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ethylene (ethene) |
AS 2508.6.010-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) |
AS 2508.3.025-1983 | Safe storage and handling information cards for hazardous materials - Chlorobenzene (monochlorobenzene) |
AS 2508.3.031-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Tetrahydrofuran (THF) |
AS 2243.4-1998 | Safety in laboratories - Ionizing radiations |
AS 2508.3.016-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) |
AS 2508.6.022-1986 | Safe storage and handling information card - Copper-chrome-arsenic |
AS 2243.1-1990 | Safety in laboratories General |
AS 2508.2.010-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Sulphur dioxide (liquefied) |
AS 2508.3.034-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Pentanes |
AS 2508.3.009-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrocarbon solvents |
AS 2508.6.009-1990 | Safe storage and handling information card - 1,1,1-trichloroethane (Methylchloroform) |
AS 2508.8.005-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acetic acid (containing more than 10 percent but not more than 80 percent acid, by mass, in water) |
AS 2508.3.028-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane, ethylene chloride (EDC)) |
AS 2508.6.002-1985 | Safe storage and handling information card - Cyanides (sodium and potassium) |
AS 2508.2.003-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Vinyl chloride (inhibited) |
AS 2508.8.011-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methacrylic acid (inhibited) |
AS 2508.3.020-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ethyl benzene |
AS 2508.3.023-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Vinyl acetate (vinyl acetate monomer) |
AS 2508.3.033-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Isoprene, inhibited |
AS 2508.3.022-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Cumene (isopropyl-benzene) |
AS 2243.3-1991 | Safety in laboratories Microbiology |
AS 2508.8.001-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acetic anhydride |
AS 2508.6.026-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Formaldehyde solutions - Flashpoint above 61 degrees Celsius |
AS 2418-1995 | Coal and coke - Glossary of terms (Reconfirmed 2013) (Reconfirmed 2023) |
AS 2508.6.012-1988 | Safe storage and handling information card - Diphenyl methane-4, 4-Diisocyanate [Methylene bis-(Phenylene) Diisocyanate] (MDI) |
AS 2508.6.005-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Fluorides (ammonium, potassium, magnesium or sodium fluoride) |
AS 2508.3.002-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acetates (ethyl acetate, propyl acetates, butyl acetates, amyl acetate) |
AS 2243.2-1990 | Safety in laboratories - Chemical aspects |
AS 2508.3.004-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acrylates (methyl, ethyl) |
AS 2508.8.003-1990 | Safe storage and handling information card - Sodium hypochlorite Hypochlorite solutions |
AS 2508.2.005-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Chlorine (compressed) |
AS 2508.8.008-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Maleic anhydride |
AS 2243.8-1992 | Safety in laboratories Fume cupboards |
AS 2508.8.004-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acetic acid (containing more than 80 percent acid, by mass, in water) |
AS 2508.2.011-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Butadiene (inhibited) |
AS 2508.3.024-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Dimethylamine solution |
AS 2508.6.001-1988 | Safe storage and handling information card - Carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane) |
AS 2508.6.019-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Lead alkyls |
AS 2508.3.013-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) |
AS 2508.3.018-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl isobutyl carbinol |
AS 2508.3.019-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methacrylates, HFP |
AS 2243.6-1990 | Safety in laboratories - Mechanical aspects |
AS 2508.6.008-1989 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ammonium thioglycolate |
AS 2508.2.008-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Oxygen (compressed) |
AS 2508.8.006-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Sodium hydroxide (solid and solution) (caustic soda) |
AS 2508.8.014-1985 | Safe storage and handling information card - Mercury metal |
AS 2508.3.011-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methanol (methyl alcohol) |
AS 2508.5.004-1991 | Safe storage and handling information card - Benzoyl peroxide |
AS 2508.5.005-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) (not more than 50% in solution with not more than 10% available oxygen) |
AS 2508.10.001-2000 | Safe storage and handling information card - Agricultural and veterinary chemicals (Packaged products only) |
AS 2508.8.015-1988 | Safe storage and handling information card - Dilute ammonia solution containing 10 percent up to 35 percent m/m ammonia |
AS 2508.3.015-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Toluene (toluol) |
AS 2508.3.012-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Styrene (vinyl benzene, styrene monomer) |
AS 2508.3.010-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Amines (isopropylamine, diethylamine, triethylamine) |
AS 2508.3.005-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Benzene |
AS 2508.6.021-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Sodium pentachlorophenate |
AS 2508.3.029-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Glycol ethers (flammable) |
AS 2508.3.006-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Butanols, propanols, amyl alcohols |
AS 2508.8.009-1990 | Safe storage and handling information card - Sulfuric acid (Oleum) |
AS 2508.3.027-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Diacetone alcohol |
AS 2508.6.025-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Arsenic acid |
AS 2508.6.007-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Epichlorohydrin (Ech or 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane) |
AS 2508.3.021-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Cyclohexanone |
AS 2508.5.002-1990 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ammonium nitrate |
AS 2508.6.028-1988 | Safe storage and handling information card - Chloropicrin |
AS 2508.8.012-1991 | Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrogen fluoride (Anhydrous)(Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid) |
AS 2243.7-1991 | Safety in laboratories - Electrical aspects |
AS 2508.6.013-1991 | Safe storage and handling information card - Trichloroethylene |
AS 2508.2.001-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acetylene (Dissolved) (Ethyne) |
AS 2508.8.002-1986 | Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid, spirits of salts) |
AS 2508.6.016-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Phenol (carbolic acid), cresols and cresylic acid |
AS 2508.3.003-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acrylates (butyl, isobutyl) |
AS 2508.3.030-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Cyclohexane |
AS 2508.6.024-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Pentachlorophenol |
AS 2508.6.003-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Aniline (aminobenzene) |
AS 2508.6.004-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Cadmium compounds (other than selenide and sulphide) |
AS 2508.6.006-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Beryllium and compounds |
AS 2243.9-1991 | Safety in laboratories - Recirculating fume cabinets |
AS 2508.8.018-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Formaldehyde solutions (with not less than 25 percent formaldehyde) |
AS 2508.8.013-1991 | Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrofluoric acid (aqueous) |
AS 2508.3.017-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ethanol/methylated spirits |
AS 2508.2.007-2001 | Safe storage and handling information card - Liquefied petroleum gas |
AS 2508.5.001-1989 | Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrogen peroxide |
AS 2508.3.007-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Carbon disulphide |
AS 2508.3.026-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Propylene oxide |
AS 2508.2.009-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Oxygen (refrigerated liquid) |
AS 2508.8.007-1990 | Safe storage and handling information card - Nitric acid |
AS 2508.5.003-1990 | Safe storage and handling information card - Calcium hypochlorite |
AS 2508.6.015-1983 | Safe storage and handling information card - Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) |
AS 2508.2.012-1985 | Safe storage and handling information card - Non-flammable, inert, compressed gases (includes: argon, helium, krypton, neon, nitrogen and xenon) |
AS 2508.6.027-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Tributyltin-oxide |
AS 2508.6.018-1989 | Safe storage and handling information card - Lead arsenate and Lead aresenite |
AS 2508.8.016-1988 | Safe storage and handling information card - Phosphoric acid (Orthophosphoric acid) |
AS 2508.2.004-1995 | Safe storage and handling information card - Ammonia (anhydrous) |
AS 2508.2.002-1992 | Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrogen (compressed) |
AS 2508.6.014-1989 | Safe storage and handling information card - Cyanides, inorganic (other than Sodium and Potassium Cyanides for which refer to AS 2508.6.002) |
AS 2508.3.001-1982 | Safe storage and handling information card - Acetone |
AS 2508.8.010-1990 | Safe storage and handling information cards for hazardous materials - Sulfuric acid (up to 98% m/m) |
AS 2508.6.023-1989 | Safe storage and handling information card - Phenylmercuric compounds |
AS 2508.3.032-1984 | Safe storage and handling information card - Glycol ether acetates |
AS 2508.8.017-1988 | Safe storage and handling information card - Aluminium chloride (Anhydrous) |
AS 2243.5-1993 | Safety in laboratories Non-ionizing radiations |
AS 1038.16-2005 | Coal and coke - Analysis and testing Assessment and reporting of results (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 2418-1995 | Coal and coke - Glossary of terms (Reconfirmed 2013) (Reconfirmed 2023) |
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