AS 2187.2-1993
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Explosives - Storage, transport and use - Use of explosives
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Sets out requirements for the safe use of explosives including the mixing, testing, initiation and firing of charges. The Standard also provides information on misfires as well as considerations such as ground vibration and airblast. Special topics including blasting in hot material, blasting under water and demolition by blasting are also included.
Committee |
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0 7262 8229 4
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out requirements and precautions for the use of factory-made explosives and certain explosives mixed at sites. It does not apply to the following:(a) Explosives used in underground coal mines.(b) Safety ammunition and propellant powder.(c) Pyrotechnics including fireworks, rockets, fog signals or the like.(d) Purpose designed and manufactured military explosives.NOTE: This Standard should not be regarded as overriding statutory requirements, including licensing, but may be construed as a set of working rules to be used in conjunction with such requirements.NEW MATERIALS, METHODS AND
First published in part as part of AS CA23-1948 Supplement.
AS CA23 first published 1949.
Second edition 1952.
Redated 1953.
Redated 1955.
AS CA23-1948 Supplement and AS CA23-1955 revised, amalgamated and designated AS CA23-1967.
AS CA23-1967 revised in part and redesignated AS 2187.2-1979.
Second edition 1983.
Third edition 1993.
AS 1742.3-1996 | Manual of uniform traffic control devices - Traffic control devices for works on roads |
AS 2211-1991 | Laser safety |
AS 2809.1-1999 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - General requirements |
AS 3191-1981 | Approval and test specification for electric flexible cords (incorporating Corrigenda) |
AS 2053-1984 | Non-metallic conduits and fittings |
AS 1850-1981 | Portable fire extinguishers - Classification, rating and fire testing |
AS 3000-1986 | Electrical installations - Buildings, structures and premises (known as the SAA Wiring Rules) |
AS 2189-1983 | Explosives - Glossary of terms |
AS 2397-1993 | Safe use of lasers in the building and construction industry |
AS 2187.1-1998 | Explosives - Storage, transport and use Storage |
AS D26-1972 | Tube fittings with dryseal American standard taper pipe and unified threads for automotive and industrial use (imperial units) (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 2106-1980 | Methods for the determination of the flashpoint of flammable liquids (closed cup) |
AS 2052-1977 | Metallic conduits and fittings |
AS 1939-1990 | Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment (IP Code) |
AS 1678.0.0.001-1994 | Emergency procedure guide - Transport - Vehicle fire |
AS 2218-1978 | Cables for use in automotive vehicles - PVC insulated cables having copper conductors |
AS 1768-1991 | Lightning protection |
AS 3007.5-2004 | Electrical installations - Surface mines and associated processing plant - Operating requirements |
AS 2187.4-1998 | Explosives - Storage, transport and use Pyrotechnics - Outdoor displays |
AS 2601-1991 | The demolition of structures |
AS 4774.1-2003 | Work in compressed air and hyperbaric facilities Work in tunnels, shafts and caissons |
AS 2601-2001 | The demolition of structures |
AS 2187.0-1998 | Explosives - Storage, transport and use Terminology |
AS/NZS 1768(INT):2003 | Lightning protection |
AS/NZS 1020:1995 | The control of undesirable static electricity |
AS 2187.1-1998 | Explosives - Storage, transport and use Storage |
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