AS 1691-1985
An Available Superseded Standard is one, which has been made available for a period of time although it has been formally superseded by another Standard. Its availability is maintained where it is referenced in legislation/regulations or in other Standards and its use should be restricted to where so referenced. No responsibility is taken by Intertek Inform as to the ongoing technical validity of such a Standard, the responsibility resting with the referencing authority.
Domestic oil-fired appliances - Installation
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Provides requirements for the installation of fixed and flued domestic-type oil-burning appliances, together with their associated oil fuel supply systems, in domestic buildings and in other buildings, provided that the capacity of the appliance is not over 60 kW thermal input rate. It does not apply to the design and construction of appliances, rules for which are given in AS 1690.
Committee |
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0 7262 3714 0
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes |
This standard sets out requirements for the installation of fixed and flued domestic-type oil-burning appliances of up to 60 kW thermal input rate, together with their associated oil fuel supply systems, in domestic buildings, and in other buildings.NOTES:1. For requirements for the design and construction of oil-heating appliances, see AS 1690 and AS 2078.2. For recommendations on water heater installation details not covered by this standard, including plumbing, see AS 1529.
Obsolescent 10-02-2006
AS 1375-1985 | Industrial fuel-fired appliances (known as the SAA Industrial Fuel-fired Appliances Code) |
AS 1250-1981 | The use of steel in structures (known as the SAA Steel Structures Code) |
AS 1940-2004 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS 1529-1974 | Code of practice for installation of household type hot water supply systems |
AS 2078-1977 | Domestic oil-fired appliances (quality and performance) |
AS 1690-1975 | Rules for the safe design, construction and performance of domestic oil-fired appliances (known as the SAA Domestic Oil-fired Appliances Safe Design Code) |
AS 1530.1-1994 | Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures Combustibility test for materials (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1692-2006 | Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1684.3-2010 | Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas |
AS 1684.4-2010 | Residential timber-framed construction Simplified - Non-Cyclonic Areas |
AS 1940:2017 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS 1684.2-2010 | Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas |
AS/NZS 3500.4.2:1997 | National Plumbing and Drainage Hot water supply systems - Acceptable solutions |
AS/NZS 3500.4:2003 | Plumbing and drainage Heated water services |
AS 1684.2-2006 | Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas (SEE IMPORTANT NOTE) |
AS 1940-2004 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS/NZS 3500.5:2000 | Plumbing and Drainage Domestic installations |
AS 3500.4-1994 | National Plumbing and Drainage Code Hot water supply systems |
AS 1684.3-2006 | Residential timber-framed construction Cyclonic areas |
AS 1684.4-2006 | Residential timber-framed construction - Simplified Non-cyclonic areas (SEE IMPORTANT NOTE) |
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