AS 1562.1-1992
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Design and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding Metal (Reconfirmed 2016)
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This Standard sets out requirements for the design and installation of self-supporting metal roof and wall cladding, subjected to out-of-plane loading.
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0 7262 7582 4
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ProductNote |
Reconfirmed 17/06/2016.This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2016 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 17/06/2016
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out requirements for the design and installation of self-supporting metal roof and wall cladding, subjected to out-of-plane loading.NOTE: The term 'metal roof' is considered to include metal tiles.
First published as part of AS CA42 1968.
AS CA42 revised and redesignated AS 1562 1973.
Second edition 1980.
AS 1562 revised and redesignated in part as AS 1562.1 1992.
AS 2424-1991 | Plastics building sheets - General installation requirements and design of roofing systems |
AS/NZS 1567:1997 | Copper and copper alloys - Wrought rods, bars and sections (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 1573:1995 | Copper and copper alloys - Wire for engineering purposes (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 1789-1984 | Electroplated coatings - Zinc on iron or steel |
AS 1214-1983 | Hot-dip galvanized coatings on threaded fasteners (ISO metric coarse thread series) |
AS 1789-2003 | Electroplated zinc (electrogalvanized) coatings on ferrous articles (batch process) (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 2312-1984 | Guide to the protection of iron and steel against exterior atmospheric corrosion |
AS 1449-1994 | Wrought alloy steels - Stainless and heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip |
AS 2180-1986 | Metal rainwater goods - Selection and installation |
AS 1170.2-1989 | Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Wind loads |
AS 4040.3-1992 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Resistance to wind pressures for cyclone regions (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4040.2-1992 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Resistance to wind pressures for non-cyclone regions (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 3566-1988 | Screws - Self-drilling - For the building and construction industries |
AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 | Structural design actions Permanent, imposed and other actions |
AS/NZS 2312:2002 | Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective coatings |
AS 4040.0-1992 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Introduction, list of methods and general requirements (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4100-1998 | Steel structures (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4040.1-1992 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Resistance to concentrated loads (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 1170.2:2002 | Structural design actions Wind actions |
AS/NZS 2728:2007 | Prefinished/prepainted sheet metal products for interior/exterior building applications - Performance requirements |
AS 1170.3-1990 | Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) - Snow loads |
AS 2728-1984 | Prepainted and organic film/metal laminate products - Performance requirements for interior/exterior applications in buildings |
AS/NZS 1734:1997 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 1397-2001 | Steel sheet and strip - Hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated |
AS 4100-1990 | Steel structures |
AS 1170.1-1981 | Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Dead and live loads |
AS 1566-1997 | Copper and copper alloys - Rolled flat products (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 1397-1993 | Steel sheet and strip - Hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated |
AS 2334-1980 | Steel nails - Metric series (Reconfirmed 2015) |
AS 2179-1986 | Metal rainwater goods - Specification |
AS K132.1-1973 | Electroplated coatings on threaded fasteners Cadmium on steel |
AS K132.7-1972 | Electroplated coatings on threaded fasteners Thicker coatings for threaded fasteners |
AS 1734-1986 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate |
AS 1573-1985 | Copper and copper alloys - Wire for engineering purposes |
AS 1567-1985 | Copper and copper alloys - Wrought rods, bars and sections |
AS K132.2-1973 | Electroplated coatings on threaded fasteners - Zinc on steel |
AS 4040.1-1992 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Resistance to concentrated loads (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 2427-2004 | Smoke/heat release vents (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 2050-1995 | Installation of roof tiles |
AS 1445-2013 | Hot-dipped zinc-coated, aluminium/zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc/magnesium-coated steel sheet - 76 mm pitch corrugated |
AS/NZS 4600:2005 | Cold-formed steel structures |
HB 39-1997 | Installation code for metal roof and wall cladding |
AS 2050-2002 | Installation of roof tiles |
AS 4040.3-1992 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Resistance to wind pressures for cyclone regions (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4040.3:2018 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Resistance to wind pressures for cyclone regions |
AS 4597-1999 | Installation of roof slates and shingles (Non-interlocking type) (Reconfirmed 2015) |
AS/NZS 1562.3:1996 | Design and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding Plastic |
AS/NZS 1562.2:1999 | Design and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding Corrugated fibre-reinforced cement (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 1743-2001 | Road signs - Specifications |
AS 1562.3-2006 | Design and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding Plastic (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 1668.3-2001 | The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings Smoke control systems for large single compartments or smoke reservoirs |
AS 4285-1995 | Skylights |
AS/NZS 5131:2016 | Structural steelwork - Fabrication and erection |
AS 2665-2001 | Smoke/heat venting systems - Design, installation and commissioning (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4040.2-1992 | Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding Resistance to wind pressures for non-cyclone regions (Reconfirmed 2016) |
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