08/30190957 DC : 0
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Overview
5 Motivation and requirements
6 Basic concepts and metamodel
7 Specification of ISO-TimeML
7.1 Overview
7.2 Abstract syntax
7.2.1 Conceptual inventory
7.2.2 Syntax rules
7.3 Concrete XML-based syntax
7.3.1 Introductory remarks
7.3.2 Standoff vs in-line annotation
7.3.3 Naming conventions
7.3.4 Example annotations
7.3.5 Basic tags:
7.3.6 Link tags:
7.3.7 Other tags:
8 Towards a semantics for ISO-TimeML
8.1 Tense and aspect in language
8.1.1 Tense
8.1.2 Aspect
8.2 Temporal relations
8.3 An interval-based semantics for ISO-TimeML
8.3.1 Technical preliminaries for interval temporal logic
8.3.2 Basic event-structure
8.3.3 The interpretation of TIMEX3-tags
8.3.4 Interpretive rule summary
8.4 An event-based semantics for ISO-TimeML
8.4.1 Introduction
8.4.2 Defining an event-based semantics
Annex A (normative) - Core annotation guidelines
Language-independent ISO-TimeML annotation guidelines
A.1 Introduction
A.2 ISO-TimeML tags and their attributes
A.2.1 The tag
A.2.2 The tag
A.2.3 The tag
A.3 The link tags:
A.3.1 The tag
A.3.2 The tag
A.3.3 The tag
Annex B (informative) - Completely annotated examples
B.1 Complex TIMEX3 examples
B.2 Complex TLINK and SLINK examples
B.3 Causative examples
Annex C (informative) - Event and temporal annotations for
Annex D (informative) - Annotation for Italian fragment
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Basic references
D.3 ISO-TimeML tags and their attributes
D.3.1 The tag
D.3.2 How to annotate EVENTs
D.3.3 Event identification and tag span
D.3.4 What NOT to tag
D.4 BNF values for
D.5 Attributes for EVENT
D.5.1 Attribute class:
D.5.2 Attribute tense
D.5.3 Attribute aspect
D.5.4 Attribute mood
D.6 Attribute vForm
D.7 Attribute modality
D.8 The tag
D.8.1 How to Annotate TIMEX3 in Italian
D.9 The tag
D.10 The link tags
D.11 Examples of tense and aspect annotation in Italian
D.12 Sample of Italian annotation
Annex E (informative) - Temporal annotation of verbs
and adjectives in Korean
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Basic references
E.3 Morpholoy of Korean predicates
E.4 Temporal structure: informative
E.5 Tense
E.5.1 Tense markers
E.5.2 Annotation guidelines for tense
E.5.3 Contextual interpretation of tense
E.6 Aspect
E.6.1 Aspect markers
E.6.2 Annotation of aspect markers
E.6.3 Interpretation of aspectual features
E.7 Modality
E.7.1 Conjectural modal markers
E.7.2 Annotation of modality CONJECTURAL
E.7.3 Interpretation of modality CONJECTURAL
E.8 Mood
E.8.1 Mood markers
E.8.2 Annotation of mood RETROSPECTIVE
E.8.3 Interpretation of mood RETROSPECTIVE
E.9 BNF values for
E.10 Summary
Annex F (informative) - ISO-TimeML DTD
Annex G (informative) - ISO-TimeML schema
Annex H (informative) - Past and current activities
on temporal and event annotation
H.1 Annotating temporal expressions
H.2 Annotating events
H.3 Annotating relations between times and events
H.4 Subordinating and aspectual relations
Annex I (informative) - Tools and templates
I.1 Annotation tools and templates
I.1.1 The ALEMBIC workbench
I.1.2 The CALLISTO toolkit
I.1.3 The TANGO temporal relation editor
I.2 Analytic tools
I.2.1 The TARSQI toolkit
I.2.2 The IBM TimeML annotator
I.2.3 The Amsterdam temporal component extractor
I.2.4 The Time Calculus analyzer
Annex J (informative) - Editors, contributors and meetings
J.1 Editors
J.2 Contributors
J.3 Meetings
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
ISO 8601:2004 | Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times |
ISO 24612:2012 | Language resource management — Linguistic annotation framework (LAF) |
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